The Rosary Crusade family is a worldwide campaign that eventually became the Roman Catholic movement founded by Patrick Peyton, an Irish-American priest who is being considered for Sainthood by The Vatican. The effort came to be a personal mission to conduct Rosary prayer promotions by family as a means to unite them. The inspiration for starting the campaign comes from Peyton's patron, the Blessed Virgin Mary, whom he calls a mediator before God and his son Jesus Christ for his recovery from tuberculosis in 1941.
The purpose of the campaign is to promote Rosario's prayers by family. Peyton believed that together as a family, simultaneously praying for Rosario, the family united before Christ and closer to God.
Video Family Rosary Crusade
The modern mission adopted for the Rosary Crusade Family under the stewardship of the Family Service of the Holy Cross:
- Under the sponsorship of the Holy Cross's Congregation, the Family Service of the Holy Cross serves Jesus Christ and His Church worldwide by promoting and supporting the family's spiritual well-being.
- Faithful to Mary, Mother of God, Family Rosary, and Family of the International Rosary encourage family prayer, especially Rosary.
- Family Theater Productions directs its efforts to cultural evangelization using mass media to entertain, inspire and educate the family.
- The Father Peyton Family Institute focuses on research and education in the service of family life and spirituality relationship with family.
Maps Family Rosary Crusade
Patrick Peyton was born in the Irish Catholic family, in difficult times in the early years of the 20th century. His family is a strong Catholic farmer, who prayed Rosary together as a regular exercise.
As a child, Peyton has a tendency to pursue a call as a priest. Because of the poverty and need to help his family earn a living, the pursuit did not work until he was in his twenties as an immigrant in the United States.
As a seminarian, he finds his mission to God at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, Peyton is passionate about the spiritual well-being of families, especially those living in poverty that are affected by the Great Depression.
Finding that he was suffering from tuberculosis, Peyton immersed himself in meditation while praying the Rosary. A few months later, doctors discover that tuberculosis in his body has disappeared, pushing Peyton into a more intense devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The main component of the crusade
- Each family to pray the Rosary together, regardless of class, creed and religion;
- Ongoing evangelization process,
- The use of radio, television, outdoor advertising and movies to promote the purpose of the Crusades;
- Create a Rosary rally in every diocese.
Life-long crusade
After receiving his first assignment as a newly ordained minister in 1941, Father Peyton was assigned as pastor for a school run by the Holy Cross Congregation in Albany, New York.
Father Peyton found his mission to the Virgin Mary on January 25, 1942. He extensively reads the history of the Battle of Lepanto in 1571. The Lepanto army, with no hope of winning the war against the Moors, knelt down and prayed the Rosary before the defeat was lost. A miracle occurred when the Moors were defeated and withdrawn. This incident, linking the Blessed Mother, will serve as the initial foundation for the establishment of a prayer crusade.
As a school pastor in New York, Father Peyton lives simply and in his bedroom cell there is a small bed, study table and paintings of Madonna and Son by Spanish painter Bartolomà © Esteban Murillo. Peyton is interested in the painting, which will serve as the main image of the Virgin Mary for her entire Family Rosary Crusade effort. Murillo's painting was first used as a cover for a pamphlet called "The Story of the Rosary" .
Peyton then began writing to bishops, priests, and Catholic public organizations about the importance of the Rosario family prayer. With the help of the Sister of the Holy Cross in Albany and a friend he would meet there, a pastor named Francis Woods, Peyton initiated his call to promote Rosario's prayers for all families.
His mission to promote the Rosary prayer requires a much larger and wider audience and for fifteen minutes the family airs on the radio to pray the Rosary at a local radio station in Albany, WABY, in October 1943. In 1945, the Mutual Broadcasting System the largest radio in the United States at the time, provided half an hour to broadcast the Rosary. It was dubbed by Father Peyton as "the opportunity of a lifetime". Mutual's owner, Ed Kobak, sets certain conditions for Pastor Peyton to make his broadcast:
- Invite the most famous, loved, and respected family to pray the Rosary;
- Ask the most famous Hollywood stars to join them;
- Ask the most influential people in the US Church to speak; and
- Choose the most fitting day to make the majority of Americans listen to religious broadcasts.
On May 13, 1945, Mother's Day and the first anniversary of the appearance of FÃÆ'¡tima in 1917, Peyton's program debuted on national radio on the Mutual Broadcasting System from his studio on Broadway.
The radio broadcast featured the Sullivan family from Iowa who had lost five sons in the recent World War Two to lead the Rosary prayers, followed by direct support from crooner Bing Crosby, patched from Mutual's Los Angeles radio station.
Father Peyton promotes his mission by sending letters and distributing free Rosary beads and prayer pamphlets. He continues to promote radio missions but network executives at Mutual want to broadcast Pastor Peyton's programs by more than praying the Rosary. The example set by Bing Crosby can be repeated with other Hollywood stars throwing a call to the family praying the Rosary.
Father Peyton traveled to Los Angeles and began recruiting stars to volunteer to help promote his cause. In her first trip to California, actress Jane Wyatt will be a bridge for other celebrities and become lifelong friends.
Family Theater
With the help of Hollywood figures, Father Peyton began producing family value-oriented radio drama under the "Air Family Theater" flag from Hollywood for his show at Mutual. The first broadcast was made on February 13, 1947 with guest artist Loretta Young, a Protestant, James Stewart, and Don Ameche.
What Bing Crosby did, others did, including the following who gave their names, fame, time, and talents to glorify the Rosary and dramatize the mysteries in movies, on the radio and on television: Pat O'Brien, Loretta Young, Grace Kelly, James Cagney, Bob Hope, Irene Dunne, Gregory Peck, Lucille Ball, Henry Fonda, Rosalind Russell, Jack Benny, Raymond Burr, Barbara Stanwyck, Margaret O'Brien, Helen Hayes, Natalie Wood, Maureen O'Hara, Jane Wyatt, Ronald Reagan, William Shatner, James Dean, and Shirley Temple.
The Family Theater radio program continued to broadcast until 1969. The program led to the formation of Family Theater Productions, which opened offices in Hollywood with the mission of developing movies, radio, television programs, and Christian family outdoor advertising.
Evangelization through mass media
An executive and a young ad copywriter, Al Scalpone, donated his services to the Family Theater in 1947 and wrote the now famous slogan, "The Family Praying Together" and "The World in Prayer is the World of Peace" for the radio series. They became the motto for Father Peyton and his organization. Scalpone, who eventually became vice president for CBS-TV, offered himself with Family Theater Productions for 40 years.
In 1947, Los Angeles outdoor advertising company representatives were taken with the slogan, "The Family Who Prays Together Together" he hears on the Radio Theater Family series. The company offers to place a slogan on an empty billboard as a public service. The idea caught up with other advertising companies.
Over the years the messages include "Trouble, Try Pray!", "Do not Give Up! Pray Successfully!", "God Makes a Home Call", and "God Listens" respectively followed by "Family Praying Together Together".
These messages have appeared on over 100,000 billboards all over the country, belonging to outside advertising associations and companies, and have been viewed over 400 million times, according to outdoor advertising association estimates. The campaign continues today with three new and contemporary posters designed in 2001, which have received a record number of orders from billboard companies.
Rosary diocesan rally
In 1947, the Diocese of London, Ontario, spearheaded the diocesan crusade. Rosary Crusade The Diocesan Family begins in Canada with a family pledge to commit to the daily prayer of the Rosary as a family unit. The first large-scale rosary parade was in Saskatchewan, Canada, at the Temple of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, then under the authority of St. Peter's Benedictine Monastery, and with the participation of the bishops of Saskatchewan, where 12,000 people attended the rally on 26 September 1948.
In Manila in the Philippines, one million people gather to pray the Rosary. There are also major demonstrations in BogotÃÆ'¡, Bombay, Johannesburg, Madrid, New York City, San Francisco and Nairobi.
The impetus was given to the crusade by the pope and the Second Vatican Council. In 1987, Pope John Paul II said, "May the Rosary once again become an ordinary prayer... a Christian home."
Transition, _same_mission "> Transition, same mission
Father Peyton died in 1992. The Holy Cross Congregation organizes all units and organizations founded by the Family Rosary Crusade under an umbrella service, the Family Service of the Holy Cross, which remains committed to the original cause of Father Peyton.
Source of the article : Wikipedia