Selasa, 12 Juni 2018

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Morning Prayers to Use Daily (Prayer 8) - The Christian Update

Prayer is an important activity in Christianity, and there are several different forms of Christian prayer .

Christian prayer varies widely: they can be completely spontaneous, or read entirely from a text, such as the Anglican General Prayer Book. The most common prayer among Christians is "The Lord's Prayer," which according to the Gospel record (eg Matthew 6: 9-13) is how Jesus taught his disciples to pray. "The Lord's Prayer" is a model for prayer of adoration, confession and petition in Christianity.

An extensive prayer characterization, three stages begins with vocal prayer, then moves to a more structured form of meditation, then reaches several layers of contemplation, or intercession.

There are two basic settings for Christian prayer: company (or public) and personal. Corporate prayer includes prayers shared in worship or other public places. These prayers can be formal written prayers or prayers without informal preparation. Personal prayer takes place with people who are either secretly or loudly praying in a private setting. Prayer exists in different contexts of worship and can be structured differently. This type of context may include:

Liturgis: Often seen in the Catholic Church. This is a very orthodox service, according to Catholics. In the Catholic Mass, which is an example of liturgical liturgical form, there is a reading of the Bible and a sermon read.

Often seen in the Holy Orthodox Church. Scripture is read and a sermon is read.

Non-Liturgical: Often seen in Evangelical churches, these prayers are often not written and will be more informal in structure. Most of these prayers will be without preparation.

Charismatic: Often seen in the gospel churches. This is the main form of worship in the Pentecostal churches. It usually includes songs and dances, and may include other artistic expressions. There may be no clear structure, but worshipers will be "led by the Holy Spirit".

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Prayer in the New Testament is presented as a positive command (Colossians 4: 2; 1 Thessalonians 5:17). The people of God are challenged to include prayer in their daily lives, even in busy marital struggles (1 Corinthians 7: 5) because they are considered to bring people closer to God.

Throughout the New Testament, prayer is shown as a God-appointed method whereby believers obtain what he has to give (Matthew 7: 7-11; Matthew 9: 24-29; Luke 11:13).

Prayer, according to the Book of Acts, can be seen in the first moments of the church (Acts 3: 1). The apostles considered prayer as an essential part of their lives (Acts 6: 4; Romans 1: 9; Colossians 1: 9). Thus, the apostles often include the verses of the Psalms in their writings. Romans 3: 10-18 for example is borrowed from Psalm 14: 1-3 and other psalms.

So, because of this emphasis on prayer in the early church. the long passages of the New Testament are prayers or columns (see also the Book of Odes), such as the Prayer for Forgiveness (Mark 11: 25-26), the Lord's Prayer, the Magnificat (Luke 1: 46-55), Benedictus (Luke 1 : 68-79), the prayer of Jesus to the one true God (John 17), a cry like "Praise be to God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Ephesians 1: 3-14), the Prayer of Believers (Acts 1: 3-14) 4: 23-31), "May this cup be taken from me" (Matthew 26: 36-44), "Pray that you will not fall into temptation" (Luke 22: 39-46), St. Stephen's Prayer (Acts 7: 59-60), Simon Magus' Prayer (Acts 8:24), "pray that we be delivered from the wicked and the wicked" (2 Thessalonians 3: 1-2), and Maranatha (1 Corinthians 16:22).

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Types of prayer

Liturgical Prayer

The oldest elements of Christian prayer can be found in the liturgy such as the Roman Catholic Mass, the Orthodox Divine Liturgy, the Anglican General Prayer Book, and the Lutheran Book of Worship.

Seasonal Prayer

Many denominations that adhere to the liturgical tradition use special prayers adapted to the Liturgical Year of the year, such as Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter. Some of these prayers are found in the Brevir of Rome, the Liturgy of the Hour, the Book of Orthodox Needs, and the Anglican General Prayer Book.

Prayer to the saint

The ancient church, in both Eastern and Western Christianity, developed a tradition of soliciting intercessory prayers, and this remains the practice of most Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and some Anglican churches. However, the Protestant Reformation Churches reject prayers to the saints, largely on the basis of Christ's singular mediator. The reformer Huldrych Zwingli admitted that he had said prayers to the saints until the Bible readings convinced him that this was idolatry.

Contemplative meditation and prayer

Christian meditation is a structured attempt to relate and deliberately contemplate God's revelation. The word meditation comes from the Latin medit? R? , which has a variety of meanings including to ponder, to learn and practice. Christian meditation is a process that deliberately focuses on certain thoughts (such as passages of Scripture) and reflects its meaning in the context of God's love.

Christian meditation aims to enhance personal relationships based on God's love that marks Christian fellowship.

Sometimes there may be no clear boundary between Christian meditation and Christian contemplation, and they overlap. Meditation serves as the foundation upon which contemplative life stands, the practice by which a person begins a state of contemplation. In contemplative prayer, this activity is restricted, so contemplation has been described as "the view of faith", "silent love".

Meditation and contemplation are components of the Rosary, driven by the Magisterium.


This type of prayer involves believers who take role as intercessors, praying on behalf of individuals, groups or other communities, or even a nation.

Giaculatoria is a short and popular prayer for the Saints, the Archangel, the Holy Family, Jesus Christ. This is a traditional, liturgical or non-liturgical prayer, with a very informal structure, sometimes unwritten and ending with rhyme (See also in the Bible: Lc 18,38; Mat 8; Lc 23,42; Gv 20,28; At 7.59). For example.:

Angelus, Joseph, Jesus, Maria sint nobiscum semper, et in mortis agonia
'Angel, Joseph, Jesus, and Mary whether you will stay with us at all times, and at death'.

Listen to prayer

Listening to prayer is a type of Christian prayer. Compared to traditional Christian prayers, the method of listening invokes "to hear and distinguish the voice of God through prayer and scripture, and to obey God's direction in personal service."

Traditional Christian prayers ask people to thank the Lord, and to inform God of their own request. When their prayers seem unanswered, some will feel that God does not hear them or respond to them. Listening to prayer asks: "Is it because God does not respond to you, or do you not hear from God"? Listening to prayer requires those who pray to calm their minds and read the Scriptures. During the reading, several sentences may come to mind, as if answering their prayers.

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Books and prayer tools

Prayer books and tools such as tasbih like caplets are used by Christians. Images and icons are also associated with prayer in some Christian denominations.

There is not a prayer book containing the liturgy used by all Christians; Yet many Christian denominations have their own local prayer books, for example:

  • The Book of Common Prayer (the traditional Anglican prayer book, still used or modified by the constituent churches of the Anglican Communion, and one of the most influential prayer books in English)
  • The agenda, the name of the book for the liturgy, especially in the Lutheran Church.
  • The Roman Breviary Traditional Roman Catholic Clock
  • The Book of Psalms
  • Raccolta prayer book induced for Catholics

FaithPrayers National Prayer Line | A Christian Toll-Free Prayer Line

See also

  • Christian mysticism
  • Intercession
  • Prayer in the New Testament
  • Roman Catholic Prayer
  • Roman Catholic Prayer to Jesus

Lord, hear! | Christian Wallpapers

References and footnotes

Answer me! | Christian Wallpapers

External links

  • Carroll, James. Prayer from Our Place . In series, Witness Books [s], 13, and also in Christian Experience Series . Dayton, Ohio: G.A. Pflaum, 1970.
  • Free electronics and audio for Matthew Henry - A Method for Prayer 'edition 1710'

Source of the article : Wikipedia
