Selasa, 12 Juni 2018

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Catholic Bibles: Guest Post: The Revised English Bible (Part 3)

The Prayer of Manasses is a short work of 15 verses of the recitation of a prayer of repentance attributed to King Manasseh of Judah. The majority of scholars believe that the Manasses Prayer was written, in Greek, in the first or second century BC. Another work of the same title, written in Hebrew and containing distinctly different content, is found among the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Manasseh is recorded in the Bible as one of the most idolaters of Judah (2 Kings 21: 1-18; 2 Chronicles 33: 1-9). The second Chronicles, but not the second Book of Kings, records that Manasseh was taken prisoner by the Assyrians (2 Chronicles 33: 11-13). While a prisoner, Manasseh prayed for mercy, and after being set free and returned to the throne turned from his idolatrous ways (2 Chronicles 33: 15-17). The reference to prayer, but not the prayer itself, is made in 2 Chronicles 33:19, which says that prayer is written in "the records of the kings of Israel."

The prayer is considered apocryphal by Jews, Catholics and Protestants. It was placed at the end of 2 Chronicles in the Vulgate late in the 4th century. Over a millennium later, Martin Luther incorporated the book into his 74-volume translation of the Bible. It is part of Matthew 1537, and 1599 Geneva Bible. It also appears in the Apocrypha of the King James Bible and from the original 1609/1610 Douai Rheims Bible. Pope Clement VIII included a prayer in the appendix to the Vulgate saying that it should continue to be read "not to perish completely". In the Roman Rite Liturgy of the Hours; in the responsory bodies sung with readings from the books of Kings between the Trinity of Sunday and August, the seventh mentioning the Prayer of Manasses, together with the verses of Psalm 50, the misleading Psalms par.

The prayer is included in several editions of the Greek Septuagint. For example, the 5th century Codex Alexandrinus includes prayers among the fourteen odes which appear right after the Psalms. This is accepted as a deuterocanonical book by some Orthodox Christians, although it does not appear in the Bible printed in Greek. The prayer was sung during Orthodox and Byzantine Christian ministry from the Great Compline. It was used in the Roman Rite as part of the Responsory after the first reading at the Reading Office on Sunday 14th in Ordinary Time (along with Psalm 51). It is used also as a canticle in the Daily Office of the US General Prayer Book of 1979 used by the Episcopal Church in the United States.

This prayer appears in the Syriac, Old Slavonic, Ethiopic, and Armenian translations. In the Ethiopian Bible, prayer is found in 2 Chronicles.

Video Prayer of Manasseh


The text of the King James Version is as follows:

O God, the Almighty God of our fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and from the seed of their right; who made heaven and earth, with all its ornaments; who have bound the sea with the commandment of thy commandment; which has closed it deeply, and sealed it with your horrible and glorious name; who feared all men, and trembled before your might; for the glory of thy glory can not bear, and thy threatening anger against sin shall be imparted: but thy merciful promise is not measurable and inexplicable; for thou art the Lord most glorious, merciful, long-suffering, merciful, and repentant from the evils of men. You, Lord, according to your goodness, you have promised repentance and forgiveness to those who have sinned against you; and about your infinite compassion have pointed repentance to sinners, in order to be saved. Therefore, O Lord, that the art of the righteous God, does not show repentance to the just, as to Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, who have not sinned against thee; but thou hast shown me repentance that I am a sinner: for I have sinned above the number of the sand of the sea. My transgression, oh God, is multiplied: my violation multiplied, and I am not worthy to see and see the height of heaven for many mining revolts. I was subdued with many iron bands, that I could not lift my head, did not have any liberation: for I had sparked your anger, and committed iniquity before you: I did not thy will, I did not keep thy commandments: I have set up abusive, and have multiple infractions. Therefore, now I bow my knees, beg for you mercy. I have sinned, Lord, I have sinned, and I acknowledge my mistakes: hence, I humbly beg you, forgive me, my God, forgive me, and destroy me not because of my mistake. Do not be angry with me forever, by saving evil for me; do not cursed me to the bottom of the earth. Because You are God, even their Lord who repents; and in me thou shalt show all thy goodness: for thou wilt save me, which is not worthy, according to thy great mercy. Therefore I will praise you for ever throughout my life: for all the powers of heaven praise you, and you are the glory forever. Amin.

Maps Prayer of Manasseh


Apocrypha - Wikipedia

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Source of the article : Wikipedia
