Selasa, 05 Juni 2018

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Inhalantia is a wide variety of household and industrial chemicals whose vapor is volatile or concentrated gas and is inhaled through the nose or mouth to produce poisoning (called "higher" in slang), by no means intended by producer. They are inhaled at room temperature by evaporation (in the case of gasoline or acetone) or from pressurized containers (eg, nitrous oxide or butane), and excluding drugs that sniff after burning or heating. For example, amyl nitrite (poppers), nitrous oxide and toluene - a solvent widely used in contact cement and model aircraft glue - are considered inhalant, but tobacco, marijuana and crack smoking are not, even though the drug is inhaled as smoke.

While a small amount of inhalants is prescribed by medical professionals and used for medical purposes, as in the case of nitrous oxide (anxiolytic and pain reliever prescribed by dentists), this article focuses on the use of inhalation of household and industrial propellants, glue, fuel and products others in a manner not intended by the manufacturer, to produce intoxication or other psychoactive effects. These products are used as recreational drugs for their intoxicating effects. According to a 1995 report by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the most serious abuse occurred among homeless and adolescent children who "live on the streets completely without family ties." Inhalantia is the only substance that is more widely used by younger adolescents than older teenagers. Inhalation users inhale vapors or aerosol propellant gas using a plastic bag stored above the mouth or by breathing from a cloth moistened with a solvent or open container. These practices are known as "sniffing", "panting" or "pocketing".

Inhaled effects range from toxicity such as alcohol and intense euphoria to clear hallucinations, depending on the substance and dose. Some inhalation users are injured because of the harmful effects of solvents or gases or because of other chemicals used in the products they inhaled. As with drugs, users can be injured because of malicious behavior when they are drunk, such as driving under the influence. In some cases, the user has died of hypoxia (lack of oxygen), pneumonia, heart failure or arrest, or aspiration of vomiting. Brain damage is usually seen with long-term use of chronic solvents compared with short-term exposure.

Although there are many legal inhalals, there are legal actions taken in some jurisdictions to restrict access by minors. While solvent glue is usually a legal product, Scottish courts have decided that supplying glue to children is illegal if the store knows the children intend to abuse the glue. In the US, thirty-eight of the 50 states have made laws that make inhalants unavailable to those under the age of 18, or make use of illegal inhalation.

Video Inhalant


Inhalants may be classified according to the desired function. Most non-medical inhaled medicines are households or industrial chemical products that are not intended to be concentrated and inhaled. A small number of recreational inhalational drugs are pharmaceutical products used unlawfully.

Product category

Another way to categorize inhalants is by categorizing their products. There are three main product categories: solvent; gas; and unlawfully used medical drugs.


Various volatile solvents intended for household or industrial use are inhaled as recreational drugs. These include petroleum products (gasoline and kerosene), toluene (used in paint thinners, contact cement and modeling glue), and acetone (used in nail polish remover). This solvent evaporates at room temperature. Ethanol (alcohol usually taken) is sometimes inhaled, but this can not be done at room temperature. Ethanol must be converted from liquid to gas (steam) or aerosol (mist), in some cases using a nebulizer, a machine that stirs the liquid into aerosols. The sale of nebulizers to inhaling ethanol is prohibited in some US states due to security concerns.


A number of gases intended for domestic or industrial use are inhaled as drugs. These include chlorofluorocarbons used in aerosols and propellants (eg, aerosol hair sprays, aerosol deodorants). The gas used as a propellant in a shaker aerosol container, nitrous oxide, is used as a recreational drug. The pressure-fed tube of propane and butane gas, both intended for use as fuel, is used as inhalant.

Medical anesthesia

Some medical anesthetics are used as recreational drugs, including diethyl ether (drugs that are no longer used medically, due to high combustibility and the development of safer alternatives) and nitrous oxide, widely used in 2010 by dentists as anti- feelings of anxiety during dental procedures. Diethyl ether has a long history of use as a recreational drug. The ether poisoning effect is similar to alcohol intoxication, but is stronger. Also, because of NMDA's antagonism, users can experience all the psychedelic effects that exist in classical dissociations such as ketamine in the form of a thought loop and a disconnected feeling from one's body. Nitrous oxide is a dental anesthetic used as a recreational drug, either by a user who has access to a class medical gas tube (for example, dental hygiene or dentist) or by using gas contained in a shaker aerosol container. Inhalation of nitrous oxide can cause pain, depersonalization, derealization, dizziness, euphoria, and some sound distortion.

Classification by effect

It is also possible to classify inhalants by the effects they have on the body. Solvents such as toluene and gasoline act as depressants, which causes the user to feel relaxed and drowsy. Many inhalants act primarily as gas asphyxia, with the main effect due to lack of oxygen. Nitrous oxide can be categorized as a dissociative drug, as it may cause visual and auditory hallucinations. Other agents may have more direct effects on receptors, since inhalants exhibit various mechanisms of action. The mechanism of action of many non-medical inhalants has not been well explained. Anesthesia gases used for surgery, such as nitrous oxide or enflurane, are believed to induce anesthesia primarily by acting as NMDA receptor antagonists, open channel blockers binding to the inside of the calcium channel on the outer surface of neurons, and providing high levels of NMDA receptor blockade for time short.

This makes the inhalation anesthetic gas different from other NMDA antagonists, such as ketamine, which binds to the regulatory site on the sensitive NMDA calcium transporter complex and provides a slightly lower NMDA block rate, but for longer and more predictable durations. This makes deeper anesthetic levels easier to achieve using anesthetic gas but can also make it more dangerous than other drugs used for this purpose.

Chemical structure

Inhalants can also be classified by chemical structure. Classes include:

Maps Inhalant

Administration and effects

Inhalation users inhale vapors or aerosol propellant gas using a plastic bag stored above the mouth or by breathing from an open solvent container, such as gasoline or paint thinner. The nitrogen oxide gas from the aerosol shake cream cans, aerosol sprays, or anti-stick sprays is sprayed into plastic bags. Some users of nitrous oxide spray gas into the balloon. When inhaling non-stick cooking spray or other aerosol products, some users can filter out the aerosol particles with a cloth. Some gases, such as propane and butane gas, are inhaled directly from the tube. After the solvent or gas is inhaled, the broad capillary surface of the lungs quickly absorbs the solvent or gas, and the blood level peaks rapidly. The effects of intoxication occur so quickly that inhalation effects can resemble the intensity of the effects produced by intravenous injection of other psychoactive drugs. Some danger-reducing experts push the glue sniffer to use paper bags rather than thin plastic bags, because plastic bags greatly increase the risk of suffocation, because plastic bags are more likely to stick to the user's nose and mouth when he is drunk.

Ethanol is also inhaled, either by evaporating it by pouring it on dry ice in a narrow container and inhaling a straw or by pouring alcohol in a clogged bottle with a pipe, and then using a bicycle pump to make a spray. Alcohol can be evaporated using a simple container and an open fire heater. Medical devices such as asthma nebulizers and inhalers are also reported as a means of application. This practice gained popularity in 2004, with the marketing of a device called AWOL (Alcohol without fluid), a game on military terms AWOL (Absent Without Leave). AWOL, created by British businessman Dominic Simler, was first introduced in Asia and Europe, and later in the United States in August 2004. AWOL is used by nightclubs, at meetings and parties, and collecting attraction as a novelty, as people enjoy passing within group '. AWOL uses a nebulizer, a machine that stirs liquids into aerosols. The AWOL official website states that "AWOL and AWOL 1 are powered by Air Air Compressors while AWOL 2 and AWOL 3 are powered by electrical oxygen generator ", which refers to some of the mechanisms used by nebulizer drug delivery device for inhalation. Although the AWOL engine is marketed as having no deficiencies, such as lack of calories or hangovers, Amanda Shaffer of Slate explains this claim as "dubious". Although the inhaled alcohol reduces the calorie content, the savings are minimal. Having declared security and health concerns, the sale or use of AWOL engines is prohibited in some American states.

The effects of solvent toxicity may vary greatly depending on the dose and type of solvent or inhaled gas. A person who inhales small amounts of rubber cement or paint thinner vapors may be disrupted in a manner that resembles alcohol. A person who has inhaled large amounts of solvents or gases, or stronger chemicals, may experience stronger effects such as distortions in the perception of time and space, hallucinations, and emotional disturbances. The effects of inhalation use are also modified by the combined use of inhalants and alcohol or other drugs.

In the short run, many users experience headaches, nausea and vomiting, slurred speech, motor coordination loss, and wheezing. A characteristic "riff sniffer" around the nose and mouth is sometimes seen after long-term use. The smell of paint or solvents on clothes, skin, and breath is sometimes a sign of inhalation, and solvent or paint residue can sometimes appear with sweat.

According to NIH, even one inhalational persecution session "can disrupt the heart rhythm and lower oxygen levels", which can lead to death. "Regular harassment can cause serious damage to the brain, heart, kidneys and liver."

Effects & Dangers of Inhalant Use - Video & Lesson Transcript ...

Health hazards

Statistics of deaths caused by inhalation inhalation are difficult to determine. This may be very poorly reported, as death is often associated with discrete events such as stroke or heart attack, even if the event occurs due to inhutane harassment. The use of inhalation or abuse was mentioned in 144 death certificates in Texas during the period 1988-1998 and was reported in 39 deaths in Virginia between 1987 and 1996 from acute voluntary exposure to misused inhalants.

General risk

Regardless of the inhalation used, inhalation of vapors or gases may cause injury or death. One of the main risks is hypoxia (oxygen deprivation), which can occur by inhaling steam from a plastic bag, or using appropriate inhalation mask equipment (eg medical mask for nitrous oxide) but not adding oxygen or room air. Another danger is to freeze the throat. When a gas stored under high pressure is released, it cools suddenly and can cause frostbite if it is inhaled directly from the container. This can happen, for example, by inhaling nitrous oxide. When nitrous oxide is used as an automotive power enhancer, its cooling effect is used to make the air-fuel charge more dense. In a person, this effect is potentially deadly. Many inhalansia are volatile organic chemicals and can burn or explode, especially when combined with smoking. Like many other drugs, users can also hurt themselves for lack of coordination or impaired judgment, especially if they try to drive.

Solvents have many of the same potential risks, including pneumonia, heart failure or arrest, and aspiration of vomiting. Inhaling some solvents can cause hearing loss, limb spasms, and damage to the central nervous system and brain. Serious but potentially reversible effects include liver and kidney damage and blood thinning-oxygen. Deaths due to inhalants are generally caused by very high smoke concentrations. Accidentally inhaling solvents from attached paper or plastic bags or in enclosed places greatly increases the likelihood of suffocation. Brain damage is usually seen with chronic long-term use as opposed to short-term exposure. Parkinsonism (see: Signs and symptoms of Parkinson's disease) has been associated with panting.

Pregnant women in pregnant users may have adverse effects on the fetus, and the baby may be smaller at birth and may require additional health care (similar to those seen with alcohol - fetal alcohol syndrome). There is some evidence of birth defects and defects in babies born to women who sniff solvents like gasoline.

In the short term, deaths from solvent misuse occur most commonly from unconscious aspiration of vomiting or from a combination of respiratory depression and hypoxia, the second cause is particularly the risk with heavier vapors of air such as butane or steam gasoline. Death usually results from complications associated with excessive sedation and vomiting. The actual overdose of the drug does occur, however, and inhalation of inhaled solvents is statistically more likely to produce life-threatening respiratory depression than the use of intravenous opiates such as heroin. Most deaths from solvent misuse can be prevented if individuals are rapidly resuscitated when they stop breathing and their airways are clean if they vomit. However, most inhalational persecution occurs when people breathe in their own solvents or in groups of people who are intoxicated. Certain solvents are more dangerous than others, such as gasoline.

In contrast, some inhalants such as amyl nitrate and diethyl ether have medical applications and are non-toxic in the same sense as solvents, although they can still be harmful when used recreationally. Nitrous oxide is considered highly non-toxic, although heavy long-term use can cause serious health problems associated with the destruction of vitamin B12 and folic acid.

Risk of certain agents

The effects of hypoxia from inhalants can cause damage to many organ systems (especially the brain, which has very low tolerance for oxygen deprivation), but there is also additional toxicity resulting from the physical properties of the compound itself or the additives present in the body. product. Organochlorine solvents are very dangerous; many of these are now restricted in developed countries due to their environmental impact.

  • Methylene chloride, once metabolized, can cause carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Sniffing gasoline can lead to lead poisoning, in locations where leaded gas is not prohibited.
  • The ingestion of alkyl nitrite can cause methemoglobinemia, although inhalation is not.
  • Carbon tetrachloride can cause significant damage to some systems, but its association with liver damage is so strong that it is used in animal models to cause liver damage.
  • The use of butane, propane, nitrous oxide and other inhalants may pose a risk of frozen burns from contact with very cold liquids (See aerosol burns). The risk of such contact is greatly enhanced by the assessment of motor disturbance and coordination caused by inhaled intoxication.
  • The use of benzene can cause bone marrow depression. It is also known as a carcinogen.
  • Toluene can damage myelin.

Toxicity can also be caused by pharmacological properties of drugs; the advantages of NMDA antagonism can completely block the entry of calcium into the neurons and provoke cell death through apoptosis, although this is more likely to be the long-term outcome of chronic solvent abuse than the consequences of short-term use.

Suddenly shut off the death syndrome

Inhalation of butane gas can cause drowsiness, narcosis, asphyxia, and cardiac arrhythmias. Butane is the most commonly abused volatile solvent in the UK and causes 52% solvent-related deaths in 2000. When butane is sprayed directly into the throat, the liquid jets can cool rapidly to -20 ° C with adiabatic expansion, causing prolonged laryngospasm spasm. Sudden syndrome of sniffing death known as SSDS. Some inhalants may also indirectly cause sudden death from a heart attack, in a syndrome known as "sudden sudden death". The anesthetic gases present in inhalation appear to alert the user to adrenaline and, under these circumstances, adrenaline surges (eg, from frightening hallucinations or run-in with aggressors), can lead to fatal cardiac arrhythmias.

In addition, inhaling a gas capable of replacing oxygen in the lungs (especially gases that are heavier than oxygen) carries the risk of hypoxia as a result of a mechanism triggered by breathing. Because reflexive breathing is triggered by elevated levels of carbon dioxide (rather than reduced oxygen levels in the blood), inhaled concentrated and relatively inert gases (such as tetrafluoroethane or computer pitcher oxide) that remove carbon dioxide from the blood without replacing it with oxygen. does not produce signs of suffocation even when the brain is hypoxic. Once the symptoms of hypoxia appear, it may be too late to breathe without help, especially if the gas is heavy enough to be placed in the lungs for a long time. Even a completely inert gas, such as argon, can have this effect if oxygen is greatly excluded.

EcoWaste Coalition: Government Urged to Step Up Drive vs. Inhalant ...

Legal aspects

Solvent glue

Although solvent glue is usually a legal product, there are cases where the court has decided that supplying glue to children is illegal. Khaliq v HM Advocate is a Scottish criminal case that was decided by the Court of Appeals Court on appeal, where it was decided that it was a violation of the common law to provide material sniff ingredients that were otherwise legal in the knowledge that they would be used recreationally. by children. Two shopkeepers in Glasgow were arrested and accused of supplying to children "glue-sniffing kits" consisting of a number of petroleum-based glue in a plastic bag. They argue there is nothing illegal about the goods they provide. At the time of appeal, the High Court took the view that, although glue and plastic bags may be very legal, everyday items, both shopkeepers know very well that children will use the article as inhalants and the indictment on the indictment should stand. When the case was brought to trial at the Glasgow High Court, both were sentenced to three years in prison.

"Thirty-eight of the 50 states [US] have enacted laws that make inhalants unavailable to those under the age of 18. Other countries prohibit the sale of these items to anyone without recognition of the purpose of purchase. states mandate the law against the use of these products, for the purpose of getting high, while some countries have laws about having certain inhalals.Almost every country impose fines and imprisonment for violating their specific laws. "

"The Law of Connecticut prohibits the unauthorized manufacture or compounding, possession, control, sale, delivery or administration of any" restricted substances. "It defines substances as... special volatile substances if they are sold, aggravated, owned or controlled , or delivered or given to others for breathing, sniffing, sniffing or drinking to stimulate the effects of stimulants, depressants, or hallucinogens.The offender may be fined up to $ 100. "In addition, 24 states" prohibit the use, possession, or sale or distribution of other inhalants... such as glue and solvents. "

"Louisiana prohibits the sale, transfer, or possession of adult model and toluene glues that can be inhaled to minors In Ohio, it is illegal to inhale certain compounds for poisoning - a general, public restriction that other states have enforced. withdrawing their ban further... in narrowly... In Massachusetts, retailers should ask minors for identification before selling glue or cement containing solvents that can release toxic vapors. "

Gas of propellant

"New Jersey... prohibits selling or offering to sell minors products containing chlorofluorocarbons used in refrigerants."


The sale of poppers made from alkyl nitrite is prohibited in Canada by 2013. Though not considered to be narcotics and not illegal to own or use, they are considered medicines. Unofficial sales can now be punished by fines and imprisonment. Since 2007, re-formulated poppers contain isopropyl nitrite sold in Europe because only isobutyl nitrite is prohibited. In France, sales of products containing butyl nitrite, pentyl nitrite, or its isomers have been banned since 1990 on the basis of harm to consumers. In 2007, the government expanded this ban on all alkyl nitrite that is not allowed to be sold as medicine. After litigation by sex shop owners, this extension was canceled by the State Council on the grounds that the government has failed to justify such blanket ban: according to the court, the mentioned risks, regarding rare accidents that often occur after unnatural use, are rather justified mandatory warnings on packaging.

In the UK, poppers are widely available and often (legally) sold in gay/bar clubs, sex shops, drugstore stores, over the Internet and in the market. It is illegal under the 1968 Drug Act to sell them advertised for human consumption, and to cut this, they are usually sold as a smell. In the US, originally marketed as a prescription drug in 1937, amyl nitrite remained so until 1960, when the Food and Drug Administration removed the prescription requirements due to its safety record. This requirement was restored in 1969, after observations of increased use of recreation. Other alkyl nitrite is prohibited in the US by Congress through the Anti-Drug Act of 1988. This law includes exceptions for commercial purposes. The term commercial purpose is defined to mean any use other than for the production of consumer products containing volatile alkyl nitriles which are intended to inhale or insert nityl alkyl volatiles into the human body for euphoric or physical effects. The law came into force in 1990. Visits to retail outlets selling these products reveal that some manufacturers have reformulated their products to comply with regulations, through the use of legal cylohexyl nitrite as a key ingredient in their products, which are sold as head cleaners , nail erasers, or the smell of space.

Nitrous oxide

In the United States, the ownership of nitrous oxide is legal under federal law and is not subject to the DEA field. However, it is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration under the Food Drug and Cosmetics Act; prosecution is possible under its "misbranding" clause, prohibiting the sale or distribution of nitrous oxide for the purpose of human consumption as a recreational drug. Many countries have laws governing the ownership, sale, and distribution of nitrous oxide. The law normally prohibits distribution to minors or limits the amount of nitrous oxide that can be sold without a special license. For example, in the state of California, ownership for recreational use is prohibited and qualifies as a minor offense. In New Zealand, the Department of Health has warned that nitrous oxide is a prescription drug, and its sale or ownership without a prescription is a violation under the Drug Act. This statement appears to be prohibiting all non-medical use of chemicals, although it is implied that only recreational use will be legally targeted. In India, for general anesthesia purposes, nitrous oxide is available as IP Nitrous Oxide. India's gas cylinder regulation (1985) allows the transfer of gas from one cylinder to another for breathing purposes. Because Food & amp; The Drug Authority (FDA-India) rules state that transferring a drug from one container to another (refill) is equivalent to manufacturing, anyone found to do so should have a drug-making license.

Inhalants first steps to drugs - YouTube

Non-medical use pattern

Inhaled drugs are often used by children, teenagers, imprisoned or institutionalized people, and the poor, because these solvents and gases are the materials in hundreds of legally available, cheap products, such as deodorant sprays, hair sprays, contact cement and air fresheners aerosol. However, most users tend to "... teenagers (between the ages of 12 and 17)." In some countries, the use of chronic inhalation and weight is concentrated in marginalized and poor communities. Young people who become chronic, heavy inhaled abusers are also more likely to be those who are isolated from their families and communities. The article "Epidemiology of Inhalant Abuse: An International Perspective" notes that "the most serious form of his obsession with inhalation use may occur in countries other than the United States where small children live on the streets completely without family ties, almost always using inhalants at the level (Leal et al., 1978) This isolation can make it more difficult to keep in touch with the sniffer and encourage him to stop sniffing. "

The article also states that "... the high level of use [inhal] among Hispanic barrio is almost unquestionably linked to poverty, lack of opportunity, and social dysfunction that occurs in barrios" and states that "... the same general tendency arises for Indigenous-American youths "because"... Indian reservations are one of the most disadvantaged neighborhoods in the United States, there is high unemployment, little chance, and high rates of alcoholism and other health problems. "There are various social problems associated with use of inhales, such as feelings of distress, anxiety and sadness for society; violence and property damage; violent crime; emphasizing the juvenile justice system; and emphasizes youth agencies and support services.

Africa and Asia

Glue and sniffing Fuel is also a problem in some parts of Africa, especially with street children. In India and South Asia, three of the most abused inhalants are the Dendrite brand and other forms of contact adhesive and rubber cement manufactured in Kolkata, and toluene in the paint thinners. Genkem is a brand of glue that has become a generic name for all the glue used by African glue-sniffing children before the manufacturer replaced n-hexane in its materials in 2000.

The UN Office for Drugs and Crime has reported that glue sniffs are at the core of the "street culture" in Nairobi, Kenya, and that most street children in the city are habit-solvent users. A study by Cottrell-Boyce for the African Journal of Drugs and Alcohol Studies found that glue sniffs amongst Kenyan street children are particularly functional - dulling the senses of life's difficulty on the road - but also providing links to the support structure of "Street Family" as symbols strong shared experience.

Similar incidents of glue sniffing among poor young Filipinos have also been reported, most often from groups of street children and adolescents who are collectively known as "Rugby" children, named after the toluene-laden contact cement brand. Other substances containing toluene have also been subjected to abuse, the most prominent being the Vulca Seal roof sealant. Bostik Philippines, which currently has the Rugby brand and Vulca Seal, has since responded to this problem by adding bitter oil like mustard to their Rugby line, as well as reformulating it by replacing toluene with xylene. Several other manufacturers have also followed suit.

Another very common inhalant is Erase-X, a correction fluid containing toluene. It is common for schools and college students to use it, as it is easily available in stationery stores in India. This fluid is also used by street children and works in Delhi.

Europe and North America

In Britain, marginalized youth use a number of inhalants, such as solvents and propellants. In Russia and Eastern Europe, gasoline sniffs become common on Russian ships after attempts to limit the supply of alcohol to crew in the 1980s. The Documentary Films the Underground Children describe a solvent turmoil called Aurolac (a product used in chroming) by Romanian homeless children. During Interbellum inhalation ether (etheromania) is widespread in some Polish regions, especially in Upper Silesia - tens of thousands of people are affected by this problem.

In Canada, Indigenous children in the isolated North Davis Inlet Labrador community were the focus of national attention in 1993, when many were found sniffing gasoline. The Newfoundland and Labrador governments of Canada and the province intervened on a number of occasions, sending many children away for treatment. Although it was transferred to the new Natuashish community in 2002, the problem of serious inhalation abuse continues. A similar problem was reported in Sheshatshiu in 2000 and also at Pikangikum First Nation. In 2012, this issue once again made the news media in Canada. In Mexico, inhaling gasoline and industrial solvents, locally known as "Activo" or "Chemo," has increased in popularity among homeless and amongst Mexico City street children in recent years. The mixture is poured into a handkerchief and sucked while being held with one's fist.

In the US, ether was used as a recreational drug during the era of the 1930s Ban, when alcohol was made illegal. Ether either sniffs or gets drunk and, in some cities, replaces alcohol completely. However, the risk of death from excessive sedation or overdose is greater than that of alcohol, and drinking ether is associated with damage to the stomach and gastrointestinal tract. The use of glue, paint, and gasoline became more common after the 1950s. Aerosol spray abuse became more common in the 1980s, as older propellants such as CFCs have been removed and replaced with more environmentally friendly compounds such as propane and butane. Most solvents and inhaled gases are not regulated under drug laws such as the Controlled Substance Act in the United States. However, many US states and Canadian cities have placed restrictions on the sale of some solvent-containing products to minors, especially for products that are widely associated with sniffing, such as cement models. The practice of inhaling such substances can sometimes be referred to as huffing, sniffing (or glue sniffing), dust, or chroming.


Australia has long faced the problem of sniffing gasoline in isolated and impoverished aboriginal communities. Although some sources argue that sniffing was introduced by US soldiers stationed in the country's Top End during World War II or through experiments by Cobourg Millers workers of the 1940s era, other sources claim that inhalation harrassment (such as inhalation glue) appears in Australia at the end 1960s. Chronic, a heavy gas inhaler seems to occur among indigenous and remote communities, where the accessibility of gasoline that is ready to help make it a common substance for abuse.

In Australia, sniffing of gasoline is now happening extensively across remote Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory, Western Australia, northern parts of South Australia and Queensland. The number of people sniffing gasoline goes up and down over time when young people experiment or sniff occasionally. "Boss", or chronic, a sniffer can move in and out of the community; they are often responsible for encouraging young people to take it.

A 1983 survey of 4,165 high school students in New South Wales showed that solvents and aerosols were ranked immediately after analgesics (eg, codeine pills) and alcohol for abused drugs. This 1983 study found no common pattern of use or social class factors. Causes of death for inhaled users in Australia include pneumonia, heart failure/arrest, aspiration of vomiting, and burns. In 1985, there were 14 communities in Central Australia reporting young people sniffing. In July 1997, there were an estimated 200 young people sniffing gasoline in 10 communities in Central Australia. About 40 are classified as chronic sniffer. There are reports of young Aboriginal people sniffing gasoline in urban areas around Darwin and Alice Springs.

In 2005, the Australian Government and BP Australia began to use opal fuel in remote areas prone to gasoline. Opal is a non-sniffable fuel (which is unlikely to cause a high) and has made a difference in some indigenous communities.

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In popular culture

Music and music culture

One of the earliest musical references for inhalation use occurred on Elton John's 1974 song "The Bitch Is Back", in the line "I get high in the pot sniffing the glue tonight." The use of inhalants, particularly glue sniffing, is broadly associated with the late 1970s punk subculture in England and North America. Raymond Cochrane and Douglas Carroll claim that when glue sniffed into widespread in the late 1970s, it was "adopted by punk because of the negative [public] perceptions sniffed fitted with their self-image" as rebels against social values. While the bastards initially used inhalants "experimentally and as cheaply, adult disgust and hostility [against practice] encouraged rogues to use sniffing glue as a way of shocking the public." In addition, using inhalants is a way of expressing DIY anti-corporate belief (do it yourself); by using inexpensive household products as inhalants, punk does not need to buy liquor or beer produced by industry.

One history of the punk subculture argues that "substance abuse is often referred to in music and indeed becomes synonymous with the genre, glue sniffs primarily" because the youths' faith in the future has died and that youth just do not care anymore "because" the awareness of the threat of nuclear war and a pervasive sense of destruction. "In a BBC interview with a punk person in the late 1970s, they said that" there is a real fear of an imminent nuclear war - people sniff glue knowing it can kill them but they do not care because they believe that soon everyone will die anyway. "

A number of 1970s punk rock and 1980s hardcore punk songs refer to inhalation use. The Ramones, an influential early US punk band, refers to the use of inhalation in some of their songs. The song "Now I Want Sniff Some Glue" describes teenage boredom, and the song "Carbona not Glue" states, "My brain is trapped from shooting glue." An influential punk fanzine about subculture and music takes its name ( Sniffin 'Glue ) from the Ramones song. The 1980s punk band The Dead Milkmen wrote a song, "Life is Shit" from their album Beelzebubba, about two friends who hallucinated after inhaling glue. Punk-band-turned-hip-hop group Beastie Boys wrote the song "Hold it Now - Hit It", which included the line "because I'm drinkin beer, smelly breath, sniffing glue." Pop punk band Sum 41 writes a song, "Fat Lip", which refers to the unreasonable character of all the gas you're upset... The song Lany Perfume is written and done by Brazilian pop star Rita Lee, became a national hit in 1980. The song is about chloroethane and extensive recreational sales and was used during the advent of the Brazilian carnival.

Inhalansia is called by bands of other genres, including some grunge-genre bands of the early 1990s that were influenced by punk rock. Nirvana's 1990s grunge band, influenced by punk music, wrote the song, "Dumb", in which Kurt Cobain sang "my heart went bankrupt/But I have a glue/help me inhale/And fix it with you". L7, an all-female grunge band, wrote a song called "Scrap" about a skinhead that inhaled spray-paint smoke until his mind "began to gel". Also in the 1990s, the band Britpop Suede had a British hit with their song "Animal Nitrate" whose title is a thinly veiled reference to amyl nitrite. Beck's song "Fume" from the release of "Fresh Meat and Old Slabs" is about sipping nitrous oxide. Another Beck song, "Cold Ass Fashion", contains the line "O.G. - Original Gluesniffer!" 1998 song Primus "Lacquer Head" is about teens who use inhalants to get high. Hip hop player Eminem wrote the song, "Bad Meets Evil", which refers to breathing "... ether in three lethal numbers." Brian Jonestown Massacre, a retro-rock band from the 1990s, has the song "Hyperventilation", which sniffs the plane-model cement. Frank Zappa's song "Teenage Wind" from 1981 has a reference to the sniffing glue: "Nothing left to do but take out the glue: Parents, parents, bitch now..."


A number of films have described or referred to the use of solvent inhalation. In the 1980 comedy film Airplane! , the McCroskey character (Lloyd Bridges) refers to the use of his inhalation when he states, "I chose the wrong week to stop glueing glue." In the 1996 film Citizen Ruth , the character of Ruth (Laura Dern), a homeless bum, is pictured inhaled from the paper bag in the hallway. In Tragicomedy Love Liza, the main character, played by Philip Seymour Hoffman, plays a man who built the remote control plane as a hobby to give him a reason to sniff the fuel behind his wife's suicide.

Harmony Korine's 1997 Gummo describes teenage boys inhaling cement contacts for height. Edet Belzberg's 2001 documentary Underground Children chronicles the lives of Romanian street children addicted to sipping paint. In The Basketball Diaries , a group of boys are breathing carbona cleaning fluids at 3 minutes and 27 seconds into the film; furthermore, a boy is reading a diary explaining the experience of sniffing a cleaning fluid.

In the movie David Lynch Blue Velvet, the odd and manipulative character played by Dennis Hopper uses a mask to inhale nitrite amil. In Little Shop of Horrors, Steve Martin's character died of nitrous oxide inhalation. 1999 independent film Boys Do not Cry describes two low-income young women inhaling aerosol computer cleaners (compressed gas) for buzzing. In The Cider House Rules , the character of Michael Caine is addicted to inhaling ether vapors.

In Thirteen , the main character, a teenager, uses a can of aerosol computer cleaners to be tall. In the action movie Shooter, the ex-soldier on the run from law (Mark Wahlberg) inhaling nitrous oxide gas from Whip-It! whipped cream canisters until he becomes unconscious. The film describes how the two main characters breathe diethyl ether and amyl nitrite. The South African film The Wooden Camera also describes the use of inhalants by one of the main characters, a homeless teenager, and its use in terms of socio-economic stratification. The title characters at Samson and Delilah sniffed the gas; in Samson's case, possibly causing brain damage.

In the 2004 film Taxi , Queen Latifah and Jimmy Fallon were trapped in a room with an exploding tank containing nitrous oxide. The curse of Queen Latifah's character in Fallon while they both laugh hysterically. Fallon's character asks whether it is possible to die of nitrous oxide, which Queen Latifah's character responds with "This gas laughs, stupid!" None of them suffered any side effects other than from their voices being much deeper in the room.

In the French horror film They , (2006) French couples living in Romania are chased by a group of street children who enter their homes at night. The character of Olivia Bonamy is then tortured and forced to inhale aurolac from a silver bag. During a flashback scene in Hannibal's 2001 film Hannibal Lecter gets Mason Verger high on poppers amil nitrite, then convinces Verger to cut his own face and feed him for his dog.


The science fiction story "Waterspider" by Philip K. Dick (first published in January 1964 in the magazine If ) contains scenes in which characters from the future discuss the culture of the early 1950s. One of the characters said: "You mean he sniffed what they call 'plane marijuana'? He is the 'glue-sniffer'?", The other characters replied: "Almost It is a mania among teenagers and does not become widespread in reality until a decade later.No, I'm talking about drinking alcohol. "


In the Newman and Baddiel in Pieces comedy series Rob Newman inhaling gas from the foghorn is a joke that runs in the series. One episode of Jeremy Kyle Show featured a woman with 20-year-old butane gas addiction. In the series It's Always There Bright in Philadelphia, Charlie Kelly has an addiction to put glue on. In addition, season nine episode 8 shows Dennis, Mac, and Dee get a can of gasoline to use as a solvent, but instead end up alternating bubbling from the tube.

A 2008 episode of the reality show Intervention (season 5, episode 9) featured Allison, who was addicted to shivering computer laps for short-lived psychoactive effects. Allison has since gained a small but significant followers cult among bloggers and YouTube users. Several remix scenes from the Allison episode can be found online. Since 2009, Allison has worked with drug and alcohol treatment centers in Los Angeles County. In the third episode of season 5 of American Dad! , titled "Home Adrone", Roger asked an airline stewardess to bring her industrial adhesives and plastic bags. In the seventh episode of South Park's fourteenth season, Towelie, an anthropomorphic towel, developed an addiction inhaling computer laps. In the Squidbilles show, the main character of Early Cuyler is often seen inhaling gas or other substances.

Getter - Inhalant Abuse (Bandlez Remix) - YouTube

See also

  • Inhaler or puffer, a medical device used to deliver drugs to the body through the lungs (often used in the treatment of asthma)
  • Khaliq v HM Advocate , a Scottish criminal case in which the court ruled that it was an offense to provide material used for sniffing
  • Mt Theo Program, a successful gas-breathing prevention program run by the indigenous community of Warlpiri in Central Australia
  • Jenkem
  • List of medical inhalations

Getter - Inhalant Abuse (Bandlez Remix) - YouTube



Kaz Inhalant - Kaz

Further reading

  • Burk, Isabel (2001). Disaster Prevention Resource Guide (pdf) . VA Ed Ed (2nd ed.). Health Network.
  • Chier, Ruth (2003) [1997]. Hazards: Inhalants . Library of Drug Awareness . Press Powerkids. p.Ã, 24. ISBNÃ, 9780823923403.
  • Lobo, Ingrid A. (2004). Inhalants . Drugs: Straight Fact. p.Ã, 112. ISBNÃ, 9780791076361.

Health Unit / Drug Research - Lessons - Tes Teach

External links

  • Inhalants at the National Institute on Drug Abuse
  • "NIDA for Teens: Inhalansia" at National Institute on Drug Abuse
  • "Inhalants - Facts and Figures". Office of National Drug Control Policy. Archived from the original in July 2012.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
