Senin, 25 Juni 2018

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The Real Reason 'In God We Trust' Is On The U.S. Dollar - YouTube

"In God We Believe" is the official slogan of the United States and the state of Florida in the US. It was adopted as the nation's motto in 1956 as a substitute or alternative to the unofficial slogan of the E pluribus unum, which was adopted when the Great Seal of the United States was created and adopted in 1782.

"In God We Trust" first appeared in a two-cent work in 1864 and has appeared in paper currency since 1957. A law was passed in Joint Resolution by the 84th Congress (PL 84-140) and approved by President Dwight Eisenhower on July 30, 1956, declared "In God We Trust" to appear in the American currency. This phrase was first used on banknotes in 1957, when it appeared on a one-dollar silver certificate. The first paper currency containing the phrase entered the circulation on October 1, 1957. The 84th congress then passed a law (P.L. 84-851), also signed by President Eisenhower on July 30, 1956, stating that the phrase was a national motto.

Several groups and people have objected to their use, citing religious references in violation of the First Amendment Clause Clause. These groups believe that phrases should be removed from currency and public property. In lawsuits, this argument has so far not overcome the doctrine of accommodationist interpretation, which allows governments to support the establishment of religion as long as they are all treated equally. According to a 2003 joint poll by USA Today, CNN, and Gallup, 90% of Americans support the "In God We Trust" inscription on US coins.

In 2006, "In God We Trust" was designated as a Florida state motto in the US. The Spanish equivalent, En Dios Confiamos, is the motto of the Nicaraguan Republic.

Video In God We Trust


In 1860, this phrase was used in the symbol of New Westminster, Canada. This phrase has been incorporated into many religious songs and patriotic songs. During the American Civil War, the 125th Pennsylvania Infantry for the Union Army assumed the motto "In God we trust" in early August 1862. William W. Wallace, coiner, around August 1862, from the motto "In God We Trust" was Captain C from the 125th Pennsylvania Infantry.

Reverend Mark R. Watkinson of 'Ridleyville', Pennsylvania, (pastor of Prospect Hill Baptist Church in Prospect Park, Pennsylvania today) in a letter dated 13 November 1861 petitioned the Treasury to add a statement acknowledging "God Almighty" in some form on our coins "to" free us from the hatred of infidelity. "At least part of the motivation is to declare that God is on the side of the Union in the Civil War Finance Minister Salmon P. Chase acted on this proposal and directed the Director Mint, James Pollock, at that time, to begin to devise a possible design that would include a religious phrase Chase chose his favorite design and presented a proposal to Congress for a new design at the end of 1863.

In December 1863, Treasury Secretary Abraham Lincoln decided on a new motto, "In God We Trust," to carve out US coins. Lincoln's involvement in this decision is unclear.

A version of this motto makes an early appearance on the front side of the twenty-dollar flower note issued in 1864 along with the motto "God and Our Right".

When Chase was preparing his recommendations to Congress, it was discovered that the Congressional Act of 18 January 1837 stipulated the motto and device that should be placed on US coins. This means that mint can not make changes without the enactment of additional legislation by Congress. The law was introduced and ratified as the 1864 Money Laundering Act on April 22, 1864, which allowed the Minister of Finance to authorize the inclusion of phrases on one cent and two cents.

An Act of Congress was passed on March 3, 1865, enabling the Director Mint, with the approval of the Secretary, to place the motto on all gold and silver coins that "will recognize the inscription on it". In 1873, Congress passed the Money Laundering Act, which gave the Minister of Finance "a cause of motto IN THE LORD, TRUST, to be inscribed on coins as would acknowledge such motto".

The same phrase 'In God is the Trust' we appeared on "The Star-Spangled Banner", adopted as the United States national anthem in 1931. Written by Francis Scott Key during the War of 1812, the fourth verse includes the phrase, "And this became the motto us: 'In God is our Trust' ", which is adapted as a national motto.

The use of "In God We Trust" has been disconnected. The motto disappeared from a five-cent coin in 1883, and did not reappear until Jefferson's nickel production began in 1938. However, at least two other coins were printed every year for a while still bear the motto, including the Morgan dollar and the Seated Liberty half a dollar. The abandonment of In God We Trust's "In God We Trust" motif on an Indian Head eagle coin causes public anger, and encourages Congress to pass a bill that requires inclusion. Mint Chief Engraver Charles E. Barber added the words and made minor modifications to the design. In 1908, Congress required that the phrase be printed on all coins that had previously appeared. This decision was motivated after public outrage after the release of a $ 20 coin that could not stand the motto. Moto has been used continuously on one cent coin since 1909, and on a ten-cent coin since 1916. It has also appeared on all gold coins and silver dollar coins, half dollar coins, and quarter-dollar coins struck. since July 1, 1908. Since 1938, all US coins have given birth to the motto.

During the Cold War era, the US government attempted to distinguish itself from the Soviet Union, which promoted state atheism and thereby applied anti-religious laws. The 84th Congress passed a joint resolution "declaring IN OUR LOVE OF TRUST US national motto". The resolution passed both the House and the Senate unanimously and without debate. The law was signed by President Eisenhower on July 30, 1956. The United States Code at 36 U.S.C.Ã,§Ã, 302, now states: "'In God we trust' is the national motto."

On the same day, the President signed a statutory requirement that "In God We Trust" is printed on all US currency and coins. On paper currency, it first appeared on a silver certificate in 1957, followed by another certificate. Records of the Federal Reserve and the United States Notes were circulated with mottoes ranging from 1964 to 1966, depending on the denomination. (Of this amount, only the Federal Reserve Notes are still outstanding.)

Representative Charles Edward Bennett of Florida mentioned the Cold War when he introduced the bill in the House, saying "In these days when imperialistic and materialistic communism seeks to attack and destroy freedom, we must continue to find ways to strengthen the foundations of our freedom.

Aronow v. The United States is the first case to challenge the entry of "In God We Trust" in the US currency. The challenged law is "31 USC Ã,§ 324a" the inscription 'In God we Trust'... will appear in all US currency and coins. "O'Hair v. Blumenthal (1978) challenged the inclusion of the phrase" In God We Trust "in the US currency Similar decisions were achieved by the Fifth Circuit at Madalyn Murray O'Hair vs. W. Michael Blumenthal in 1979, who asserted that" the main purpose of the slogan is secular. "

In March 2001, Mississippi Governor Ronnie Musgrove signed a law mandating "In God We Trust" motto to be featured in every public school classroom, as well as school and cafeteria auditoriums, across the state.

After the September 11, 2001 attacks, many public schools across the United States posted "In God We Trust" poster posters in their "library, cafeteria, and classroom" posters. The American Family Association provides some 11-by-14-inch posters to the school system and vows to defend every legal challenge to display posters.

According to a 2003 joint poll by USA Today, CNN, and Gallup, 90% of Americans support "In God We Trust" inscriptions on US coins.

In 2006, on the 50th anniversary of adoption, the Senate affirmed "In God We Trust" as the official national motto of the United States. In Florida House Bill no. 1145, Florida adopted 'In God We Trust' as the official slogan of the state, effective July 1, 2006.

In 2011 the House of Representatives issued an additional resolution stating "In God We Trust" as the official motto of the United States, in 396-9 votes.

In 2013, the federal court rejected the challenge, brought by Michael Newdow and the Foundation for Freedom of Religion, to remove the "In God We Trust" of the American currency.

On January 31, 2014, claiming to defend freedom of religion, the Mississippi senate chose to add the words, "In God We Trust" to the state stamp and the change was enacted on July 1, 2014.

In 2015 the county police department of Jefferson County, Illinois announced that the words "In God We Trust" would be in a police car. In 2015, the Freedom from Religion Foundation demands local authorities remove the moto decals from Childress, a Texas Police patrol vehicle. In response, Police Chief Adrian Garcia told the organization, in a written letter, to "fly a kite."

In early 2018, Kimberly Daniels, a pastor who currently serves as a representative for Florida House of Representatives District 14 as Democrat Party member, introduces HB 839, a bill that requires public schools to feature the motto "In God We Trust" in a prominent place. On Tuesday, January 23, 2018, the bill received unanimous approval from the House PreK-12 Innovation Subcommittee. Then, in a vote on 21 February 2018, the bill passed 97 to 10 in the DPR. As part of the March 2018 education law K-12 Florida, Governor Rick Scott mandated that all public schools install state tags ("In God We Trust") at prominent locations.

In March 2018, Act 911, sponsored by the State Rep. Jim Dotson, makes the legal requirements of the state of Arkansas for schools to display posters with national motto ("In God We Trust").

In March 2018, a law mandating Tennessee schools to clearly display the national motto ("In God We Trust") sponsored by Rep. Susan Lynn passes State House with 81 of 99 members voting to support her.

Maps In God We Trust

Society and culture


In Judaism and Christianity, the official motto "In God We Trust" resonates with several verses from the Bible, including Psalms 118: 8, Psalms 40: 3, Psalms 73:28, and Proverbs 29:25. In Islam the word for the concept of dependence on God is called Tawakkul ; the phrase "In God We Trust" is found in two Qur'anic places, in Surah 10 Yunus, and Surah 7 Al-A'raf, although some other verses reinforce this concept. Melkote Ramaswamy, an American Hindu scholar, writes that the presence of the "In God We Trust" phrase in the American currency is a reminder that "there is a God everywhere, whether we realize it or not."

In popular culture

  • In the 1994 movie Miracle on 34th Street , just as Henry would make his decision, Susan approached her with a $ 1 bill of Christmas. At the back, the words "In God We Trust" circled. He realized that, because the US Treasury could put his official belief in God without strong evidence, people could trust Santa in the same way. Without a choice, happy Henry relinquishes the case and declares that Santa is real, within Kris.
  • In Hamilton's musical, Aaron Burr says the line "Oh God! In God we believe, but we'll never know what's being said" in reaction to Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton deal.
  • The e-mail conspiracy theories are that "In God We Trust" was deliberately omitted from a new US dollar coin in 2007. The first coin produced under the $ 1 President's Coins Program does not have an inscription "In God We Trust" along with the edges (together with the inscription "E Pluribus Unum", the year of production, and the mint marks; these coins, unlike ordinary dollar coins, have completely empty edges), but these coins, known as "godless dollar", is the result of a printing error, not a deliberate deletion.
  • Satisfied comedy Marty Feldman In Our God Tru $ t (1980).
  • The movie They Live (1988) plays the idea. Special glasses allow the users to see simple hidden messages instead of the signs they see without them. Ads are seen as "OBEY", "CONSUME", and "MARRY AND REPRODUCE". The dollar bill is all marked "THIS IS YOUR GOD".
  • In January 2006, Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen and his wife Jackie were offered a spot on the celebrity couple's Valentine's Day edition of Who Wants To Be a Billionaire? They appeared on the event that managed to reach Ã,  £ 1,000,000 questions, before answering the wrong and dropping from Ã,  £ 500,000 all the way to just Ã,  £ 32,000 (lost Ã,  £ 468,000). For the first time, Celador allowed Llewelyn-Bowen and his wife to repeat the show after the company claimed that the last question "did not meet their standards". After returning and being shown a different question Ã, £ 1 million, the couple decided not to risk losing Ã, £ 468,000 for the second time and won Ã,  £ 500,000 for their charity of choice, The Shooting Star Children's Hospice, where Llewelyn -Bowen and his friend. wife both patrons. Their new question is about the first person to travel into space twice, and the correct answer to that question is Gus Grissom. They decided not to take the risk this time and left with £ 500,000. This amount is the highest number any celebrity partner has ever had in any English edition Who Wants To Be a Billionaire? The Â¥ 468,000 lost was also the biggest loss ever seen on the show, and no other contestant ever answered the last question incorrectly in the English version. The allegedly misleading question is "Translated from Latin, what is the motto of the United States?" The answer given is "In God We Trust" which was originally English and has actually been the motto of the United States since 1956. The intended answer is "One Out of Many" which is a translation of the Latin phrase E pluribus unum , which is not really the motto of the United States today. E pluribus unum is the de facto motto but has never been declared legally like that.

Plat number

Beginning April 1, 2016, the following US states currently offer a "In God We Trust" plate as special plates for additional normal vehicle registration processing that varies from state to state: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida , Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.

Florida (which also offers special plates) and Georgia that indicate the publishing area on their License Plans offer the "In God We Trust" option instead of the County Name.

Here's the deep history behind 'In God We Trust' | Deseret News


Supporters of the separation of church and state have questioned the legality of this slogan by asserting that it is a violation of the Constitution of the United States, which prohibits governments from passing laws that respect the establishment of religion. Religious accommodations state that this deep-rooted practice historically presents no constitutional difficulties, does not compel, and does not prefer a religious denomination over another.

"In God We Trust" as the national motto and the US currency has been the subject of many unsuccessful lawsuits. This motto was first challenged at Aronow v. United States in 1970, but the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit decided: "It is clear that the national motto and the" In God We Trust "currency and currency slogan have nothing to do with religious formation. is a patriotic or ceremonial character and has no resemblance to the government sponsorship of religious practice. "In Lynch v. Donnelly (1984), the Supreme Court wrote that the act of "ceremonial deity" is "protected from the clause of the Clause of Establishment primarily because they have lost through repetition of significant religious content memorization". In Zorach v. Clauson (1952), the Supreme Court also wrote that "state institutions presuppose Supreme Existence" and that government recognition of God does not constitute the establishment of a state church as the author of the Constitution intended to ban.

In November 2005, Michael Newdow announced that he wanted "In God We Trust" removed from US coins and banknotes. In 2004, he received the Freethought Special Confederation Hero Award for his case to remove the "In God We Trust" from the currency. In an interview on November 14, 2005 with Fox News's Neil Cavuto, Newdow compared the "In God We Trust" that appears in the United States currency with racial segregation (especially the separate drinking fountain), says, "How do you compare it? Both [whites and blacks] get the same water They both have access It is a government that says it is okay to separate these two people on the ground of race Here we say it's okay to separate the two in the basis of their religious beliefs. "

In June 2006, a federal judge rejected Newdow's Clause of Clause claiming that the printed words amounted to a secular national slogan, and did not dictate anyone's beliefs. Newdow declared that he would appeal the verdict, although it should be noted that Aronow v. The United States was decided on the same basis in the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit and the lower courts needed to restore the same rules, as did the Ninth Circuit not traditionally rejecting the previous Ninth Circuit rules.

On December 4, 2007, Newdow argued before a panel of three judges from the Ninth Circuit to remove "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance (Roe v. Rio Linda Union School District), and "In God We Trust" from United State currency. The Ninth Circuit rejected Newdow's challenge. In a decision published 11 March 2010, the court ruled that the previous decision on Aronow, which "held the national motto" patriotic or ceremonial character, "had no" theological or ritualistic impact, "and was not a" sponsorship government of religious training, "confiscated NewDow's argument.In an opinion that only fits in the verdict, even the very liberal Judge Stephen Reinhardt agrees that Aronow controls precedents.

Newdow v. Congress, 598 F.3d 638 (9th Cir. 2010) cert. rejected 131 S. Ct. 1612 (U.S. 2011). AKA: The "In God We Trust Case" - A leading atheist, Michael Newdow, filed a lawsuit to declare the national motto - In God We Trust - unconstitutional and remove it from coins and currencies. The Pacific Justice Institute intervenes as the defendant and defends against the lawsuit. The case was dismissed by the court and the Ninth Circuit confirmed the decision.

In 2015, David F. Bauman dismissed a case against Matawan-Aberdeen Regional School District brought by a district student and the American Humanist Association who argued that the phrase "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance creates a climate of discrimination because it promotes religion, second class "non-believers. He noted; "As a matter of historical tradition, the words 'under God' can no longer be eliminated from national consciousness rather than the words 'In God We Trust' from every coin on the ground, rather than the words 'so help me God' from every oath president since 1789, or from a prayer that has opened every congress of legislative business sessions since 1787. "

Aside from constitutional objections, President Theodore Roosevelt took issue with the use of a slogan on the coin as he considered using God's name on money to be contemptible.

Pada bulan September 2014, sebuah proposal untuk menambahkan pajangan "In God We Trust" pada properti publik di Ballwin, Missouri dikalahkan menyusul permohonan pertemuan aldermen oleh seorang ateis setempat.

Pennsylvania bill would require schools to post 'In God We Trust ...


The complex history of 'In God We Trust'

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Source of the article : Wikipedia
