The Hail Mary , also called Ave Maria (Latin) or Angelic Salutation , is a traditional Catholic prayer requesting intercession from the Blessed Virgin Mary , the mother of Jesus. In Roman Catholicism, prayer forms the basis of the Rosary and Angelus prayers. In the Oriental Orthodox Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, and Eastern Catholic Church, the same prayer is used in formal liturgy, both in Greek and in translation. It is also used by many other groups in the Christian Catholic tradition including Anglicans, Independent Catholics, and Old Catholics. Some Protestant denominations, such as Lutherans, also use a form of prayer.
Based on the words of the angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary in the Gospel of Luke, the prayer takes on different forms in various traditions. It's often set to music.
Video Hail Mary
Biblical Resources
The prayer combines two parts of St. Luke's Gospel: "Greetings, God is with you." and "Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb." In the mid-13th century in Western Europe prayer consisted only of these words with the singular addition of the name "Mary" after the word "Salam", as evidenced by St. Thomas Aquinas's comment on prayer.
The first of the two parts of St. Luke's Gospel is the words of the Angel Gabriel to Mary, originally written in Koine Greek. The opening words of speech, ????? , chaÃÆ're , here it is translated "Salam", literally means "to rejoice" or "rejoice". This is a plain greeting in the language in which the Gospel of Luke Saint is written and continues to be used in the same sense in modern Greek. Thus, both "Hail" and "Rejoice" are valid English translations of the words ("Greetings" that reflect the Latin translation, and "Rejoice" which reflects the original Greek).
Word ??????????? , ( kecharit? MÃÆ' Â © n? ), here translated as "full of grace", recognizing the various translations. Grammatically, the word is the perfect feminine passive verb of the verb ??????? , charitÃÆ'³? , meaning "to show, or to give with, grace" and here, in a passive voice, "to have grace displayed, or given to, one".
This text also appears in the report on the disarmament contained in the Dead Gospel of the Dead Curse, in chapter 9.
The second part is taken from Elizabeth's utterance to Mary in Luke 1:42, "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb." Taken together, these two passages are the two times Mary is welcomed in Chapter 1 of Luke.
Maps Hail Mary
In Western Tradition (Latin)
After considering the similar use of words in Syria, Greek and Latin in the sixth century, Herbert Thurston, writing in the Catholic Encyclopedia concluded that "there is little or no trace of the Hail Mary as a (although the pious tale was later associated with Ildephonsus of Toledo (7th century) the use of the first part, ie the greetings of angel Mary, without it from Elizabeth, as a prayer). All the evidence shows that he arose from several verses and responses that took place in the Small Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who was then favored among the monastic order.
St. Thomas Aquinas speaks of the name "Mary" as the only word added to his day to the biblical text, to show people "full of grace." But at about the same time, the name "Jesus" is also added, to determine who is meant by the phrase "the fruit of your womb."
The Western version of the prayer does not come from the Greek version: even the earliest Western forms had no trace of the Greek version phrase: "Mother of God and Virgin" and "because you have borne the Savior of our souls."
For Mary's compliments and compliments of prayer, a petition "Holy Mother, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and when we die. added later. The first petition appeared in print in 1495 in Girolamo Savonarola's "Esposizione sopra l'Ave Maria". "The prayer of" Hail Mary "in Savonarola's exposition reads:" Hail Mary, full of grace, God is with you, blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Saint Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen "
The petition was usually added around the time of the Council of Trent. The Dutch pastor St. Peter Canisius is credited with adding in 1555 in the Catechism of his sentence
Santa Maria, Mother of God, pray for us sinners.
Eleven years later, the punishment was included in the Catechism of the Council of Trent in 1566. The "Trent Catechism of Trent" says that in the first part of Hail Mary, with which "we give the Lord the highest praise and return his gratitude, for He has given all His heavenly gifts to The most holy virgins... The Church of God wisely adds prayers and prayers addressed to the most holy Mother of God... we must earnestly beg for her help, and help, for which she has a high reward with God, and that she most eager to help us through his prayer, no one can doubt without injustice and evil. "
The current Latin version is as follows, with accents added to show how prayer is said in the current Latin ecclesiastical pronunciation:
Because of its relationship with Angelus, Ave Maria is often written on bells.
Eastern Christian use
In the Greek tradition
The Hail Mary's Prayer from the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Eastern Catholic Church is in its form
Another English render of the same text reads:
Mother of God and Virgin, rejoicing, Mary is merciful, God is with you. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed be the fruit of thy body, for thou hast bred our Savior our souls.
For the biblical texts, this adds to the opening prayer of "Theotokos Virgin," the name "Mary" and the conclusion "because it is the Savior of our souls that you possess".
In the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Eastern Church of the Byzantine Rite, the prayer is very common in the Greek form shown above, or in translation from it. Although not said quite often as in the West, it is well known and often used and appears in some canon of prayer. It is usually sung three times at the end of Vespers during the All-Night Night, as well as occurring many times on daily prayer trips.
Slavonic Version
There are two versions of the variant in Church Slavonic:
The first is the older, and still used by Old Believers and those who follow the Ruthenian repetition (among them the Greek-Ukrainian Catholic Church and the Ruthenian Catholic Church). The second, closely related to Greece, appeared in 1656 under the liturgical reform of Patriarch Nikon of Moscow, and was used by the Russian Orthodox Church, Serbian Orthodox Church, Bulgarian Orthodox Church and Ukrainian Orthodox Church).
Roman Catholic Usage
Hail Mary is the central part of the Angelus, a devotion generally read three times daily by many Catholics, as well as extensive & amp; High Anglican churches, and Lutherans who usually ignore the second half.
Hail Mary is an important element of the Rosary, a method of prayer used primarily among Roman Catholic Rites (West). The Eastern Catholic Churches say a similar version.
The Rosary traditionally consists of three sets of five Mysteries, each mystery consisting of a "decade" or ten Ave Marias. 150 Ave Marias of the Rosary thus echoes 150 psalms. It reflects on the events of the life of Jesus during his childhood (Mystery of Joy), Passion (Mystery of Sorrow), and of his Resurrection and so on (Glorious Mysteries). Another set, Luminous Mysteries, is a relatively recent origin, proposed by Pope John Paul II in 2002. Each of these Mysteries is prayed as a decade (one unit out of ten), consisting of one Our Father (< i> Pater Noster or the Lord's Prayer ), the ten Hail Marys, and one 'Glory' ( Gloria Patri ) (Docsology). The restatement of prayers locks one into a fixed language, having the effect of liberating the conscious mind so that repetition may come more from the heart and not the head. Pope Paul V said that "Rosary is a treasure of grace". Even for the souls who pray without meditation, the simple act of taking the beads in the hand to pray has become a remembrance of God - about the supernatural ".
Anglican Usage
Anglicans also use Hail Mary in devotional practice. Traditional anglicism uses prayer in much the same way as Roman Catholics, including the use of the Rosary and the reading of the Angelus. Many Anglican churches contain the statues of the Virgin Mary, and the faithful use prayers of reflection including Hail Mary.
Lutheran Usage
Martin Luther, the founder of Lutheranism, believes that Mary should be held in the highest honor. Though he disagrees with Mary's worship, he advocates the use of the first half of the Hail Mary (ie, "Hail Mary, full of grace, God is with you) Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus") as a sign of respect and devotion to the Virgin.
Music settings
Hail Mary, or Ave Maria in Latin, has been set to music several times. You could say the two most famous settings are:
- version by Franz Schubert (1825); originally composed as Ave Maria (Ellens Gesang III, D839, Op 52 no 6, 1825), Ellen's third song in English, as part of Opus 52, setting the seven songs of popular epic Walter Scott poetry " The Lady of the Lake ", and translated into German by Adam Storck, used in the final segment of Walt Disney Fantasia , opens with the saying" Ave Maria "(" Hail Mary "), but not the setting traditional Ave Maria prayer; but today it is usually sung with traditional prayer words.
- a version by Charles Gounod (1859), adding melodies and words to Johann Sebastian Bach's first introduction of The Well-Tempered Clavier
Anton Bruckner wrote three different settings, best known as the motet for seven sounds. AntonÃÆ'n Dvo Version? ÃÆ'¡k was made in 1877. Another arrangement of Ave Maria was written by Giuseppe Verdi for his 1887 opera Otello . Russian composer CÃÆ' Â © sar Cui, who grew up in Roman Catholicism, organizes texts at least three times: as "Ave Maria", op. 34, for one or two female voices with a piano or harmonium (1886), and as part of two operas: Le flibustier (prime in 1894) and Mateo Falcone (1907) ).
The settings are also available by Mozart, Liszt, Byrd, Elgar, Saint-SaÃÆ'n «ns, Rossini, Brahms, Stravinsky, Lauridsen, Franz Biebl, David Conte and Perosi as well as many versions by less famous composers such as JB Tresch and Ninel Samokhvalova.
In Slavonic, the text is also a popular subject for musical arrangements by Eastern European composers. These include Rachmaninov, Stravinsky, Bortniansky, Vavilov (his version is often misconstrued to Caccini), Mikhail Shukh, Lyudmyla Hodzyumakha and others.
This text is also very often made by composers in the Renaissance, including Josquin des Prez, Orlando in Lasso, and Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina. Before the Council of Trent there were actually different versions of the text, so that earlier composers in that period sometimes set different versions of text from the ones shown above. Josquin des Prez, for example, alone sets more than one version of Ave Maria. Here is the motive text of Ave Maria... Virgo serena, which starts with the first six words above and continues with poetry in the rhymed stanza.
Many anthologized Ave Maria by Jacques Arcadelt is actually a 19th-century arrangement by Pierre-Louis Dietsch, which is loosely based on the three parts of the Arcadelt scholar Nous voyons que les hommes.
Although Protestant Christians generally avoid the special cult of Mary, access to Marian's beautiful and culturally important cultural traditions is facilitated by substitution texts. These texts are meant to replace the standard words "Ave Maria", preserving word boundaries and syllable pressures, so that music written for the previous text can be sung with the last. Examples are Christ-centric Ave Redemptor :
The famous setting for the Orthodox version of prayer in the Slavonic Church (Bogoroditsye Djevo) was composed by Sergei Rachmaninoff in his book All-Night Vigil .
See also
External links
- Dayton University Hail Mary in various languages ​​
- Hail Mary's audio and text recording and other prayers in various languages ​​
Source of the article : Wikipedia