The phrase Catholic youth work includes a wide range of activities conducted with young people, usually in the name of the Catholic Church and with the intention of planting Catholic faith in them and inviting them to practice and live. out of faith in their lives. Field activities range from small-scale youth groups attached to parishes or Catholic schools, to large international meetings, such as World Youth Day. This is a field that has grown over the last few decades, especially compared to more formal educational or catechetical methods within the church. Almost all dioceses and many parishes have some form of youth provision running, although many areas especially in developed countries find youth employment more difficult and scarce because the number of young people who regularly practice the Catholic faith continues. decreased. On the contrary, new and exciting developments of the last decades and in particular the influence of new movements within the Church ensure that youth work continues to be an active and beneficial field.
Video Catholic youth work
Organizational form
Catholic youth organization
In many countries, local youth Catholic groups have established diocesan or national umbrella organizations to encourage exchanges between youth and to organize joint activities, such as camps, seminars or pilgrimages. Typical for the youth work of Catholic youth organizations is that their work is not determined by priests or other professionals but that they are organized and self-determined by young volunteers. However, many Catholic youth organizations also choose people who are theologically qualified as "preses". Many Catholic youth organizations in Europe are rooted in the Catholic Action movement.
Catholic youth work organized by young workers, priests or orders
Like youth employment in many Christian communities, the youth ministry of Catholic youth is often done by a mix of local priestly priests and lay laypeople. Some parishes, especially in the more affluent parts of the world, may also be full time lay professionals. In some areas of the Church, such as North America, there will be a young officer full-time at the dean or diocesan level. Some of these times will become lay professionals and some time they will become priests or members of the religious congregation. The advantages of hiring priests in this role include reducing salary costs, their ability to serve the sacrament and their guaranteed theological knowledge. However, the lack of priests in many areas means that the diocese is increasingly turning to religious or laymen, who are also a little more flexible, will also often be able to break down the often-prevailing barrier between the priests and the church. congregation (eg Salesian of Don Bosco).
School pesantren
It is very popular in the UK and Australia and other countries where the Catholic School is common, but strives to receive recognition in many areas where the role of the full-time layman in the Catholic Church is still not respected or provided for. Spirituality involves dedicated young workers acting as lay ministers to introduce the element of providing youth employment to school to support the Catholic school's ethos and complement the primary school education work. More recently and less recently, many movements have emerged supporting or completing chaplains, including Newman Center in several countries, Fellowship from Catholic University Students in the United States, and Catholic Christian Outreach in Canada.
Catholic housework youth
This involves focused work done normally only for a few days where a course or retreat runs for a group of young people in a residential retreat center. Usually this job is a very temporary job and the residential center can expect to work, in some cases, with thousands of young people per year. Young people are usually sent during retreat by schools or parishes and thus work is usually secondary to the primary input. The work of Catholic youth housing is very popular in the UK, where networks are established from thirteen centers exist, including places like Castlerigg Manor, SPEC Center, Briars, Soli House, St Vincents Center and Walsingham House.
New moves
Movements such as Youth 2000 and organizations linked to Charismatic Renewal, will typically run local groups that are not connected to parishes or schools, or larger annual events. Usually these groups will aim to uphold a certain part of the faith in young people or a particular tradition or style. One of these new movements is LIFE LIFE, "leading teenagers closer to Christ"; a parish-based program centered on the Eucharist, Contemporary Christian Music, relational ministry and catechesis. Another move is the ECYD which focuses on youth service and personal prayer projects through a dedicated gender club network. Jesus Youth is a 28-year-old Catholic youth movement, starting in India and now presenting many countries around the world.
Missions Team
The mission team is a group of young workers who spend time (usually about a week) in schools or parishes running the program, usually quite kerigmatic, with a group of young people. The temporary nature of these programs makes this field somewhat similar to residential work, but the increased cost of maintaining a mission team combined with difficulties in hiring means that they are usually not widespread.
Maps Catholic youth work
Training and qualification
The issue of training and qualification for young Catholic workers is usually a difficult question in many parts of the world. The advantages and generosity of ordinary volunteers, for example, are often added in the minds of some people due to their lack of catechesis and theological knowledge compared to priests and also to the lack of training in informal education compared to secular young workers. Many systems to educate and train young workers have emerged and young workers can participate in schemes for catechists (such as CCRS in the UK). Also many young workers in the Church are increasingly choosing secular training. But overall, the Church still lacks a formal and well-known training system and achievements for young workers. Although the Foundation Degree in Youth Work/Youth Ministry (with professional JNC recognition) began in September 2007 at Newman University, Birmingham. This will be the first of many in the UK.
Spiritual activity
Personal empowerment and development
Social events
Different levels
There are different activities that are classified as the work of Catholic youth. They include the following:
Parish-based teen work
Many parishes have groups that serve young people in several ways. These can be called 'youth groups' from 'youth clubs' or maybe groups for certain young people in the parish like altar servers or those who will receive confirmation, for example. Whether or not all groups for, or including, young people in parishes can be considered among youth employment areas is debatable because many will be catechetical or organized around specific tasks rather than adhering to an established informal education methodology. Both Catholic youth organizations and youth and diocesan youth ministries often offer parish-supported resources, ideas and programs to plan and run local youth ministry activities themselves.
Area (diocese/deanaris) youth work
Many dioceses or deanaries will employ a coordinator to oversee youth initiatives for a group of Churches. This is particularly important in areas where not every parish can afford full-time workers. Usually these coordinators, who may be priests, brothers or sisters, will be responsible for training local volunteers and assisting them in forming local youth groups, organizing large events or pilgrimages such as World Youth Day, and building relationships between parishes and Catholic bodies local like school.
International Catholic youth work
International Catholic youth organization
There is also an international network and umbrella organization of Catholic youth organizations (one of the largest eg is the International Federation of Parochial Catholic Youth Movements).
World Youth Day
A global event held every 2-3 years and attended by the Pope. The event in the Philippines in 1995 was attended by more than 5 million people, making it the largest Christian gathering ever. The last event is in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 2013; Ã,; Krakow, Poland in 2016 is visited by the current pope.
Ecumenical cooperation
In some countries there has traditionally been good cooperation between youth organizations of different Christian denominations and churches. In Germany, for example, BDKJ umbrella Catholic youth and Protestant youth umbrellas are established alongside GEPA initiative initiatives. There is also international cooperation. For example. The International Federation of Catholic Parochial Youth Movements (Fimcap) has established partnerships with the European Guild.
Latest Challenges
Church and community
In many countries, some Catholic church doctrines are not perceived by public opinion as outdated or out of touch with reality. Often this perception is shared not only by public opinion but also by Catholics and especially young people. A study of the University of MÃÆ'¼nster with participants from 42 countries from various continents for example. shows that in many countries will expect reform of Catholic doctrine, especially regarding the doctrines of sexuality.
Demographic challenge
External links
- Community Forum
- National Catholic Youth Federation - USA
- Catholic Youth Service - UK & amp; Wales
- blog youth services ProjectYM
Source of the article : Wikipedia