Korean birthday celebration or Dol is one of the most important aspects of Korean culture. When a person reaches an important age in his life, Koreans have a unique celebration to mark these milestones. Dol has two meanings in Korean. The most common meaning is the child's first birthday or Doljanchi. It can also be used as a general description for birthdays: Cheot-dol (first birthday), Du-dol (second birthday), Seo-dol (third birthday), etc.
Video Korean birthday celebrations
Dol (?)
Dol ( doljanchi , or toll ) is probably one of Korea's most famous birthday celebrations. Dol is celebrated for the first birthday of a child. When Korea has little knowledge of medicine, many newborns will die of childhood diseases or due to the seasonal temperature difference of Korea. When a child is one year old during that period, it is a very exciting opportunity.
The first part of the dol celebration is prayer. Traditionally, Korea will pray to two of the many Korean gods: Sanshin (mountain god) and Samshin (goddess of birth). Koreans prepare a prayer table with certain foods: a bowl of white rice, seaweed soup (miyeok-guk) and a bowl of pure water. Rice-covered red bean pie ( samshin siru ) is placed next to the prayer table. Rice cakes are not distributed outside the family; it is believed that sharing this special item with people outside the family will bring bad luck to the child. After everything at the prayer table is ready, the child's mother (or grandmother) will pray to Sanshin and Samshin laying her hands together and rubbing her palms. He will ask for the longevity of his son, wishing good luck to the god of the mountain, and thanking the birth goddess. After he finished his prayer, he bowed to Samshin several times. Women are the only ones allowed to participate in this ceremony; men are forbidden to be part of the prayer. When the prayer ceremony begins depends on the region. People from Seoul will pray on the morning of the boy's birthday; another area prayed the night before. Today part of this celebration is usually passed, because the Muism (religion worshiping the Korean god) is rarely practiced.
Before the main part of the celebration, the baby wore a very colorful garment, a decoration called dol-bok . The dol-bok that the child wears varies according to the child's sex. A boy will traditionally wear a pink jog or jogory jacket (jacket) with a purple or gray paji (pants), a durum long vest, blue vest printed with gold or silver pattern or line of magoja (jackets), a jonbok (long blue vest) with gold pattern or silver, a > bokgun (black hat with long tails), and tarae-busun (traditional socks). A girl will wear a jogging jogor, a long skirt chima (skirt), gold-and-silver prints jobawi (a hat) tarae-busun . In addition to those dol-bok , boys and girls will wear long i-doldies for a long and long time. jumuni (pockets) for luck. The dol-jumuni will be made of fine silk, with yarn to open and close it. The buttons are not used in dol-bok , to symbolize longevity.
The Toljabee is the main celebration of Toll . A large table is prepared with more than a dozen types of rice cake or ddeok (main meal). Some types of ddeok are paekseolgi (steamed white rice cakes), milk-kyong and (rice cakes coated with rough kidney beans), > mujigae-ddeok (rainbow-colored rice cake) and gyep'i-ddeok (rice-bloated rice cake). Together with deeok , fruit is also served; fruit on the table varies, depending on the season. There is also a bowl of rice and various other foods placed on the table. Food is not the only thing on the table; there are also large thread rolls, brushes, Korean calligraphic sets, pencils, books, money (10,000- won won) and bows and arrows (or needles, rulers, and pair of scissors for girls). Once the table is set, parents sit baby on Korean traditional mattress ( bolou ) and Korean pillow ( bangs ). This is done so that relatives can get better baby photos. There is also a traditional screen in the background. The toljiabee then begins. The baby picked up a variety of items on the table that caught his attention. The items children take are said to predict the future of the child. If the child takes the thread, the child will have a long life. A child who takes a pencil, book or set of calligraphy is thought to be a good scholar. A child who takes rice, rice cake, or money will become rich; some people say that choosing rice (or rice cake) means the child is not smart, or that they will never be hungry. If a ruler, a pair of scissors or a needle is selected, it is said that the child will be deft. If the boy chooses a knife, they will become a good cook. In the modern era, people often prepare modern objects such as sports equipment, microphones, stethoscopes or computer mice, to symbolize modern talent.
Maps Korean birthday celebrations
Saei-rye (???)
Healthy babies are celebrated 21 days after birth by eating white rice, Miyeok guk (Miyeok seaweed soup), and Baekseolgi (white rice cake tteok). Baekseolgi symbolizes holiness. At this time, babies and mothers still have not recovered since birth, so people are not allowed to see them. However, close family members are fulfilled and pray for the healthy recovery of the baby's mother today.
Baek-il (??)
Another birthday celebration is Baek-il (100 days celebration). During this celebration, the family adored Samshin . They make rice and soup offerings to care for their babies and mothers, and for helping them through the tough times. They are grateful to Samshin and also pray for jae-ak (wealth), long life, and cho-bok (the traditional word for "luck" ). After prayer, family, relatives and friends celebrate it with rice cakes, grapes, and other delicacies like red and black beans sweetened with sugar or honey. To protect the child, red bean rice cookies are placed at the four compass points of the house. It not only brings protection, but is also believed to bring good luck and happiness. It is widely believed that if 100 people share a rice cake, the child will live long, so the family will also send rice cakes to neighbors and others. Those who receive rice cakes return the plate with long threads (expressing hope for long life), rice and money (symbolizing future wealth).
Hwangap (? ?)
When a person is 60 years old, there is a celebration known as hwangap . This is considered a good year, because when someone changes 60 cycles carefully the Korean zodiac finishes. Everyone is born under one of the twelve zodiac animals. It takes 60 years for the zodiac animal and the element in which one is born to harmonize. Another reason why hwangap is so important is that many years ago (before the advent of modern medicine), it is not uncommon for a person to live 60 years. Hwangap is now celebrated on the 70th anniversary instead, as most people live to 60. There are celebrations; children respect their parents with parties and have fun. Part of the celebration involves children of birthday parties; starting with the oldest, they bowed and offered wine to their parents. After the children salute their parents, their children show respect to them; again starting with the oldest, in the same way. While this ritual is performed, traditional music is played and professional entertainers sing songs, encouraging people to drink. To make recipients hwangap feel young, adults and teens wearing children's clothing. They also sang children's songs and danced children's dances.
elderly ceremony
Less well-known birthday celebration is when a boy or girl reaches their adult age (20 for boys and 15 for the girl). When a boy turns to adulthood, he will tie his hair up to the top knot and be given a Gat (a traditional cylindrical horsehair hat made of horsehair). He will be asked to lift a heavy stone as a test of his strength. If he can lift and move the stone, he is considered human. A girl will become an adult by rolling her braided hair into a bun and fix it with Binyeo, a long hair clip.
See also
- Doljanchi
- East Asia age reckoning Ã,§ Korean language
Source of the article : Wikipedia