Jude , also known as Judas Thaddaeus (Greek: ???????? ; Coptic: ??????? ), is one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus. He is commonly identified with Thaddeus , as well as various called Jude of James , Jude Thaddaeus , Judas Thaddaeus or Lebbaeus . He is sometimes identified with Judas, the brother of Jesus, but is clearly distinguished from Judas Iscariot, the apostle who betrayed Jesus before his crucifixion. Judas Thaddaeus is known as Judas after the early Greek translators of the Greek translations attempted to distinguish him from Judas Iscariot and subsequently abbreviated his pseudonym. Most versions of the New Testament in languages ​​other than English and French refer to Judas and Jude with the same name.
The Armenian Apostolic Church respects Thaddeus along with Saint Bartholomew as his patron saint. In the Roman Catholic Church, he is the patron saint of desperate cases and lost causes.
Saint Jude's attribute is a club. He is also often displayed in icons with fire around his head. This represented his presence on the day of Pentecost, when he received the Holy Spirit with the other apostles. Another common attribute is Jude holding the image of Jesus Christ, known as the Edessa Image. In some instances, it can be shown with a scroll or a book (Epistle of Jude) or a carpenter's rule.
Video Jude the Apostle
Perjanjian Baru
Judas is clearly distinguished from Judas Iscariot, another apostle and then a traitor of Jesus. Both Judas and Judas are translations of names ?????? in the original Koine Greek text of the New Testament, which in turn was a Greek variant of Judah ( Y'hudah ), a name common to Jews at the time. In most Bibles in languages ​​other than English and French, Jude and Jude are called by the same name.
In addition to Judas Iscariot, the New Testament mentions Judas or Jude six times, in four different contexts:
- "Jude of James," one of the twelve apostles (Luke 6:16 and Acts 1:13);
- "Jude, (not Judas Iscariot)", apparently an apostle (John 14:22);
- the brother of Jesus (Matthew 13:55, Mark 6: 3);
- the writer of the Letter from Judas, who identified himself as "brother of James" (Jude 1: 1).
The first two are almost always regarded as the same person, although theologian Raymond Brown sees identification as uncertain.
The latter two are also usually considered the same person, although this is also uncertain; see Epistle of Jude.
The Catholic tradition generally considers this the same person; while Protestants generally believe 1 and 2, and 3 and 4 are two different people.
Brother James or James's son?
He was designated as "Judas of James" in Luke 6:16 and Acts 1:13. The interpreter is different about whether this means "Judas, brother of James" or "Judas, son of James."
The traditional interpretation is that he is "Judas, brother of James," and the same person as the author of Jude's Epistle, which identifies himself as "Judas, slave of Jesus Christ and brother of James" (Jude 1: 1).
Most Protestants, and most modern translations (including the New International Version, Revised Standard Version and New Standard Version of the Revised), identify him as "Judas son of James," and not the same person as the writer of Jude. Protestant scholar Darrell L. Bock writes that it must mean "son" not "brother", because when "brother" is meant, the Greek word for "brother" (adelphos) is present. Bock also said it meant he was not his brother.
Brother Jesus?
Opinions are divided on whether Judas is also Judas, brother of Jesus, the traditional author of Jude. Generally, Catholics believe that both Judes are the same people, while Protestants are generally not.
According to the surviving fragment of the expression of the Exposition of God from the Apostolic Father Papias of Hierapolis, who lived around 70-163 AD, Mary's wife Cleophas or Alfaeus would be the mother of Judas's brother Jesus identified by Papias with Thaddeus :
Mary the wife of Cleopas or Alphaeus, who was the mother of James, bishop and apostle, and Simon and Thaddeus, and of one Joseph... (Fragment X)
Possible identities with Thaddeus
In the list of the apostles at Matthew 10: 3 and Mark 3:18, Judas is omitted, but there is Thaddeus (or in some manuscripts Matthew 10: 3, "Lebbaeus called Thaddaeus", and so in King James Version) listed in his place. This has caused many Christians since the early days to align these lists by proposing "Jude Thaddeus", which is well known. This makes sense by the fact that "Thaddeus" seems to be a nickname (see Thaddeus) and that many New Testament characters have many names (like Simon Peter and Joseph Barnabas).
A further complication is the fact that the name "Jude" has been tainted by Judas Iscariot. It has been argued that for this reason it is not surprising that Mark and Matthew refer to him by an alternative name.
But some Bible scholars dismiss this theory, assuming that Judas and Thaddeus did not represent the same people. Scholars have proposed alternative theories to explain incompatibility: the unrecorded replacement of one for another during the ministry of Jesus because of apostasy or death; the possibility that "twelve" is a symbolic and approximate number; or simply that the names were not properly recorded by the early church.
Thaddeus, one of the twelve apostles, is often indistinguishable from Thaddeus of Edessa, one of the Seventy.
In some Latin manuscripts Matthew 10: 3, Thaddaeus is called Jude of the Zealots.
Maps Jude the Apostle
Traditions and legends
Tradition holds that Saint Jude preached the Gospel in Judea, Samaria, Idumaea, Syria, Mesopotamia and Libya. He is also said to have visited Beirut and Edessa, although the last mission envoy was also identified as Thaddeus of Edessa, Addai, one of the Seventy. The 14th-century writer, Nicephorus Callistus, made Jude a groom at a wedding at Cana. Legend reports that St. Jude was born into a Jewish family in Paneas, a town in Galilee which was rebuilt during the Roman period and renamed Caesarea Philippi.
Most likely he speaks Greek and Aramaic, like almost all his contemporaries in the area, and is a farmer with a trade. According to legend, St. Jude is the son of Clopas and his mother, Mary, the cousin of the Virgin Mary. Tradition says that Jude's father, Clopas, was martyred for his overt and outspoken devotion to the risen Christ.
Although Saint Gregory Illuminator is credited as an "Apostle to the Armenians", when he baptized King Tiridates III of Armenia in 301, converting the Armenians, the Apostles Jude and Bartholomew are traditionally believed to be the first to bring Christianity to Armenia, and are thus respected as patron saints of the Armenian Apostolic Church. Associated with this tradition is the Monastery of Saint Thaddeus (now in northern Iran) and the Monastery of Saint Bartholomew (now in southeast Turkey) built in what was then called Armenia.
Tradition holds that Judas Apostle is vegetarian.
Death and stay
Traditionally, Saint Jude was martyred around AD 65 in Beirut, in the Roman province of Syria, along with the apostle Simon the Zealot, with whom he was usually connected. The ax that he often held in the picture symbolizes the way he was killed. Their deeds and martyrdom are recorded in Acts and Jude's Acts of the Apostles, which is one of a collection of passions and legends traditionally associated with the legendary Abdul, the bishop of Babylon, and said to have been translated into Latin by him. a student of Tropaeus Africanus, according to the Golden Legend account of the saints.
Some time after his death, the body of Saint Jude was brought from Beirut to Rome and placed in the basement of St. Peter's Basilica visited by many devotees. Now his bones are to the left of St. Peter's Basilica beneath the main altar of St. Joseph in a grave with the remains of the apostle Simon the Zealot. According to other popular traditions, the remnants of St. Jude was kept in an Armenian monastery on an island in the northern part of Lake Issyk-Kul in Kyrgyzstan at least until the mid-15th century. Then the legend also denied that remnants were preserved there or claimed that they were moved to a more remote fortress in the Pamir Mountains.
Judas is traditionally depicted carrying a picture of Jesus in his hand or close to his chest, risking the legend of Edessa's Image, recorded in apocryphal correspondence between Jesus and Abgar reproduced in Eusebius Eusebius narrates that King Abgar from Edessa (now Anl? Urfa in southeastern Turkey) sent a letter to Jesus looking for a cure for the ailments that befall him. With that letter he sent his messenger Hannan , the archivist, offering his own hometown to Jesus as a safe haven. The messenger portrayed the likeness of Jesus with the paint of choice (or alternatively, impressed by Abgar's faith, Jesus put his face to the cloth and gave it to Hannan ) to be brought to Abgar with his answer. After seeing the picture of Jesus, the king placed him with great honor in one of his mansions. After the execution of Christ, Jude Thomas the Apostle sent Addai, one of 70 or 72 in Luke 10: 1-12 to King Abgar and the king was healed. Fascinated, he converted to Christianity, along with many people under his rule. In addition, Judas is often described with a flame on his head, representing his presence on the day of Pentecost, when he is said to have received the Holy Spirit with the other apostles.
Traditionally, after his martyrdom, the pilgrims came to his grave to pray and many of them experienced strong intercession from St. Judas. Thus the title is, 'Saints for the Helpless and the Despair'. St. Bridget from Sweden and St. Bernard had a vision from God asking each one to accept St. Jude as the 'Impossible Sailors'.
The feast is October 28 (Roman Catholic Church, Anglican Communion and Lutheran Church) and June 19 (Eastern Orthodox Church).
The Order of Preachers (better known as the Dominicans) began working in Armenia today immediately after its founding in 1216. By then, there had been substantial devotion to Saint Jude by Catholic and Orthodox Christians in the area. This went on until the persecution drove Christians from the area in the 18th century. Loyalty to Saint Jude began again earnestly in the 19th century, beginning in Italy and Spain, spreading to South America, and finally to the United States (beginning around Chicago) due to the influence of Claretian and Dominicans in the 1920s.
Among some Roman Catholics, Saint Jude is honored as "the patron saint of the lost cause". This practice stems from the belief that few Christians ask him for the fear of wrong praying to the traitor Christ, Judas Iscariot, because of their similar names. The neglected Jude seems to be desperate to help anyone who sought his help, to the point of interceding in the most dire circumstances. The Church also wants to encourage this worship of the "forgotten" apostle, and declares that Saint Judas will intercede for the lost reason to prove his holiness and zeal for Christ.
Saint Jude is the patron saint of the Chicago Police Department and Clube de Regatas do Flamengo (soccer team in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Other patronages include desperate situations and hospitals. One of his names is St. John's Research Hospital. Jude Children in Memphis, Tennessee, who has helped many children with deadly diseases and their families since its inception in 1962.
Temple and church
Many countries glorify the Apostle Judas and have built a holy place or church dedicated to his memory. These sites include in Australia, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Cuba, India, Iran, Philippines, United Kingdom, United States and Lebanon. National Shrine Jude in Chicago, Illinois was founded in 1929 by Claretian Missionaries. The National Center of St. Jude Devotions in Baltimore was founded in 1917 by Pallottines. The National Temple of Saint Jude Thaddeus in the Philippines was founded by the Archdiocese of Manila in 1954 as the Chinese Parish of Españritu Santo. The Shrine held litio novena santo every Thursday, and is now under the Divine Word Society which also runs the attached Saint Jude Catholic School. The Saint Jude National Shrine at Faversham in England was founded in 1955.
See also
- Statue of Judas the Apostle, Charles Bridge
- Judgment of Judas Thaddaeus (San Judas Tadeo) in Mexico
Source of the article : Wikipedia