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Old Spanish language - YouTube

Old Spanish , also known as Old Castile (Spanish: castellano antiguo ; Spanish Ancient: span lang = "osp"> romance castellano pronounced [ro'man ? e caste '? ano] ) or Medieval Spanish (Spanish: espaÃÆ' Â ± ol medieval ), originally spoken Latin in the provinces of the Roman Empire giving the roots for the early Spanish form spoken in the Iberian Peninsula from the 10th century until about the beginning of the fifteenth century, before a consonant adjustment gave rise the evolution of modern Spanish. The poem of Cantar de Mio Cid ( Poet Cid ), published around 1200, remains the most famous and widespread literary work in Ancient Spain.

Video Old Spanish language

Fonetik dan fonologi

The phonological system of the Old Spanish language is very similar to other medieval Roman languages.


Among the consonants, there are seven siblings, including three pairs of voiced/voiced pairs:

  • Alveolar disclosure without sound /t? s?/: represented by? ÃÆ'§? previous? a?,? o?,? u ?, and by? c? previous? or? I?
  • Voiced alveolar affricate /d? z?/: represented by? z?
  • Voiceless apicoalveolar fricative /s?/: represented by? in the position of the word-start and end-word and before and after the consonant, and by? ss? between vowels
  • Voiced apicoalveolar fricative /z?/: represented by? between the vowel and before the voiced consonant
  • Voiceless postalveolar fricative /?/: represented by? x? (Pronounced like English digraph? Sh?)
  • Voiced postalveolar fricative /?/: represented by? j?, and (often) by? g? previous? or? I? (Pronounced like si in English vi si on )
  • No expression posalveolar affricate /t ??/: represented by? ch?

This collection of sounds is identical to that found in medieval Portugal, and is almost identical to that of modern Mirandese.

The modern Spanish system evolved from Old Spanish through the following changes:

  1. Affricates /t? s?/ and /d? z?/ simplified into fricatives laminodental /s?/ and /z?/, which remains different from the apicoalveolar sound /s?/ and /z?/ (difference also in Basque).
  2. The voiced sibilants then all lose their voices, join the silent. (Splicing persists before the voiced consonant, eg mismo , desde , but only allophonically.)
  3. Merge /?/ pulled into /x/.
  4. Merge /s?/ drawn forward for /?/. In Andalusia and the Canary Islands, however (and as a result, in Latin America), the incorporation of /s?/ instead pulled forward, merge into /s?/.

Changes 2-4 all happen in a short time, around 1550-1600. Changes from /?/ to /x/ is proportional to the same shift taking place in Modern Sweden (see sj-sound).

The Old Spanish Spelling of the sibilians is identical to the modern Portuguese spelling, which, unlike the Spanish, still retains most of the Medieval language voices and thus is still the most loyal representation of the language; Spanish was responded in 1815 to reflect his pronunciation.


  • passar "to pass" vs. "to marry" (Modern Spanish market , custard , cf. Portuguese passar , crap )
  • osso "bears" vs. "I dare" (Modern Spanish oso in both cases, cf. Portuguese urso [loan from Latin], ouso )
  • foces "arit" vs. fozes "throat/gap" (Modern Spanish ) in both cases, cf. < foices , fozes )
  • coxo "lame" vs. "I confiscated" (Modern Spanish cojo in both cases, cf. Portuguese coxo , colho )
  • xefe (Spanish Modern jefe ), cf. li>
  • Xeres (Spanish Modern Jerez ), cf. li>
  • oxalÃÆ'¡ (Modern Spanish , cf. )
  • dexar (Modern Spanish i , cf. Portuguese deixar )
  • roxo (Modern Spanish rojo ), cf. li>
  • fazer or facer (Modern Spanish ), cf. < fazer )
  • dezir (Modern Spanish decir , cf. Portuguese dizer )
  • >
  • lanÃÆ'§a (Modern Spanish lanza , cf. Portuguese lanÃÆ'§a >)

Ancient Spanish jeque and jerife reflect their Arabian origin, xeque from Arabic sheikh and xerife from Arabic sharif .

b and v

The letters? B? and? v? still have a different pronunciation; b? still represents the consonant stop [b] in all positions, while? v? possibly pronounced as voated bilabial fricative or approximant [?] or [??] (though the initial word may have been pronounced [b] ). Usage b? and? v? in Old Spain is mostly related to its use in Modern Portuguese, which still distinguishes two sounds (with the exception of Galician and some northern Portuguese dialects); the use of two phonemes also occurs in the standard Valencian language spoken in eastern Catalonia and some areas of southern Catalonia, Balearic dialect, as well as in Alguerese (except Catalan standards in eastern Catalonia). When the spelling of the Spanish language was changed in 1815, words with? B? and? v? etymologically responder to match the Latin spelling if possible.


  • aver (Modern Spanish haber , see Latin HAB? RE , Portuguese < i> haver )
  • caber (Spanish Spanish Caber , Latin CAPERE , Portuguese Cabot )
  • bever (Spanish Spanglish beber , see Latin BIBERE ; Portuguese beber & lt; older bever )
  • bivir or vivir (Spanish Spanish vivir , see Latin V? VERE , Portuguese viver )
  • amava (modern Spanish amaba , see Latin AM? BAM / AM? BAT , Portuguese amava )
  • saber (Modern Spanish saber , see Latin SAPERE , Portuguese Saber >)
  • livro (Modern Spanish libro , see Latin L? BER , Portuguese livro )
  • palavra (Modern Spanish palabra , see Latin PARABOLA , Portuguese palavra )

The name of the Spanish place CÃÆ'³rdova (which became the English name CÃÆ'³rdoba) reflects the spelling of Ancient Spain and the Arabic origins of Al-QurÊ »an , and ÃÆ' lava reflects the origin of the Basque Araba .

f and h

Many words are now written with? H? written with? f? in Ancient Spain, although the possibility of pronouncing [h] in most positions (but or [f] before /r/, /l/, [w] and possibly [j] ). The cognate word of these words in Portuguese and most other Roman languages ​​has [f] . Another word is now spelled etymologically? H? spelled out without such consonants in Old Spanish (eg haber , written aver in Old Spanish); these words have cognate words in other Roman languages ​​without [f] (eg French avoir , the language Italian avere , Portuguese ostrich with etymological silence? H?).


  • foces "arit", fozes "tenggorokan/jurang" (Modern Spanyol hoces fozes )
  • follÃÆ'n (Bahasa Modern Spanyol hollÃÆ' n )
  • faithful (Bahasa Modern Spanyol faithful , bahasa Portugis )
  • Bahasa Bahasa
  • flower (Modern Spanish , Portugis )

Modern words with? F? before most vocals represent loans learned or semi-learned from Latin, eg. fumar "smoke" (compare inherit humo "smoke"), satisfy "to satisfy" (compare hacer " to make "), fÃÆ'¡bula " fable, rumor "(compare hablar " to speak "). Certain modern words with? F? who has a doublet on? h? may represent the development of the earliest dialect or lending of the neighboring languages, such as the branding iron (compare hierro "iron"), fondo "under" (compare hondo "in"), Fernando "Ferdinand" (compare with Hernando ).


Old Spanish have? Ch ?, as did Modern Spain. This is largely a development of * /tj/ (still preserved in Portuguese and French), from Latin CT . (The use of? Ch? To /t?/ is derived from Old French and spread to Spanish, Portuguese and English, although different origins of the voice in each language.)


  • leite (Modern Spanish leche "milk", Latin lactem , see Portuguese leite , French lait )
  • muito (much Spanish mucho , Latin multum , see Portuguese muito , languages French join (rare, regional))
  • noite (modern Spanish noche "night", Latin no ct em , see Portuguese < i> noite , french nuit )
  • oito (Spanish Spanish ocho "eight", Latin o c t? , cf. Portuguese oito , French huit )
  • feito (made in Spanish or hecho made "or" fact ", Latin factum , see Portuguese feito , French fait )

Palm nose

The palatal nasal /?/ written? Nn? (the geminate NN being one of the origin of the Latin sound), but often abbreviated? ÃÆ' Â ±? to follow the writing of a general scribe to replace a? m? or? n? with a tilde above the previous letter. Next time? ÃÆ' Â ±? used exclusively, and is regarded as a separate letter by modern Spanish. Also as in modern times, lateral palatal /?/ is indicated with? (again reflecting the origin of the Latin).

Greek Digraf

Digraph Graeco-Latin (ie digraphs in Greek-Latin words)? Ch?,? Ph?,? (R) rh? and th? Reduced to? c?,? f?,? (r) r? and? t?, respectively.


  • christiano (Spanish Modern )
  • triumpho (Spanish Modern triunfo )
  • myrrha (Modern Spanish mirra )
  • theatro (Modern Spanish teatro )

Maps Old Spanish language


Same with other European languages ​​before c. 1600, the letters? I? and? j? not distinguished, nor? and? v?. Modern editions of Ancient Spanish texts usually normalize spelling to distinguish them as modern languages ​​do.

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Morphology and syntax

In Old Spanish, the perfect construction of motion verbs, such as ir ('(to) go') and veneer ('(to) come'), is formed using an additional verb ser ('(be)'), as in Italian and French. For example, Las mugieres son llegadas a Castiella vs. Modern Spain Las mujeres han llegado a Castilla ('The ladies have arrived at Castilla').

Ownership is expressed by the verb aver (Modern Spanish haber , '(to) have') than tener . For example: Pedro ha dos fijas vs. Modern Spanish Pedro tiene dos hijas ('Pedro has two daughters').

In perfect word form, past participle is often agreed with gender and the number of direct objects. For example, MarÃÆ'a ha cantadas dos canciones vs. Modern Languages ​​Spanish MarÃÆ'a ha cantado dos canciones ('Mara has been singing two songs'), but this is inconsistent even in the early texts.

Pronouns and personal substantives are placed after the verb in the form of tense or mood except the word with the pressure present before the verb.

Future and conditional tenses have not been entirely grammatical as inflections; more precisely, they are still periphrastic formations of the verb aver in the present or imperfect indicative followed by the infinitive of the main verb. Therefore, pronouns, following general placement rules, can be inserted between the main and auxiliary verbs in this peripheral form. Compare this phenomenon with Portuguese Europe (mesoclisis):

E dixo: - Tornar- m -ÃÆ' Â © a Jherusalem. ( Fazienda de Ultra Mar , 194)
Y dijo: - I tornarÃÆ'Â © a JerusalÃÆ' Â © n. (literal translation to Modern Spanish)
E disse: - Tornar- me -ei a JerusalÃÆ' Â © m. (literal translation into Portuguese)
And he said: "I will return to Jerusalem." (English translation)
En pennar gelo he por lo que fuere guisado ( Cantar de mio Cid , 92)
Se lo empeÃÆ' Â ± arÃÆ' Â © por lo que sea razonable (Modern Spanish equivalent)
Penhorar- lho -ei por o que for razoÃÆ'¡vel (Portuguese equivalent)
I will pawn them for anything that makes sense (English translation)

When words are emphasized before the verb, the pronouns will appear before the verb: for example, non gelo empeÃÆ'Â ± ar he por lo que fuere guisado .

Generally, pronouns without pressure and verbs in simple sentences are combined into one word. In a compound sentence, the pronoun is found at the beginning of the clause. Example: la manol va large = la mano le va a big .

Compared with modern languages, subjunctive futures are commonly used ( fuere in the second example above) whereas today it is commonly found only in legal or solemn discourse, and in spoken language in several dialects, particularly in Venezuela replace the imperfect subjunctive. It is used similarly to his Portuguese Modern counterpart, in place of present modern subjunctive in subordinate clauses after si , cuando , etc., when a future event is referenced.

The vos assi lo fizieredes e la ventura me fuere complida
Mando al vuestro altar buenas donas e Ricas ( Cantar de mio Cid , 223-224)
The vosotros asÃÆ' lo hiciereis y la suerte me favorece ,
Mando a vuestro altar ofrendas buenas y ricas (modern equivalent)
If you do so and luck benefits me,
I will post to your nice and rich altar offer (English translation)

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sample text

The following is an example of Cantar de Mio Cid (lines 330-365), with abbreviated abbreviations, punctuation (the original does not exist), and some modernized letters. Below, the original text of the Old Spanish language in the first column is presented, along with the same example in modern Spanish in the second column and the English translation in the third column.

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See also

  • Spanish history
  • Early Modern Spain (Central Spain)

Ancient spanish coin of the dictator Francisco Franco. Fifty ...


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External links

  • An explanation of the development of Spanish Medieval sibilant in Castile and Andalusia.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
