Kamis, 21 Juni 2018

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One Mass, Two Forms and Seven Ways to Recover Liturgical ...
src: liturgyguy.files.wordpress.com

Massa is the term used to describe the major eucharistic liturgical services in various forms of Western Christianity. The term mass is commonly used in the Catholic Church and the Anglican church, as well as several Lutheran churches, Methodist, Western Rite Orthodox Church and the Ancient Catholic Church.

Some Protestants use terms such as Divine Service or worship service , rather than the word Mass . For the celebration of the Eucharist in Eastern Christianity, including the Eastern Catholic Church, other terms such as the Divine Liturgy, Holy Qurbana , and Badarak are usually used instead.

Video Mass (liturgy)


The English noun mass comes from the Latin Latin missa . The Latin word is adopted in Old English as mÃÆ'Â|sse (through the vulgar Latin * messa ), and is sometimes polished as sendnes (ie "shipping, retraction"). The Latin term missa itself was used in the 6th century. Most likely comes from the cover formula Ite, missa est ("Go; dismissal made"); Missa here is the Latin substantive End associated with the classic missio .

Historically, however, there is another explanation of the noun missa , that is because it does not come from the formula ite, missa est . Fortescue (1910) cites older and more "fantastic" etymological explanations, especially a Latin from Hebrew matzÃÆ'  ¢ h ("unleavened bread" offering, a preferred derivation in the 16th century. by Reuchlin and Luther, or Greek ?????? "initiation", or even the German language assembly mese "". The French historian Du Cange in 1678 reported "various opinions about the origins of the noun missa " mass ", including the derivation of the Hebrew matzah ( Missah, id est, oblatio ), here is associated with Caesar Baronius. The derivation of Hebrew is a speculation learned from the philology of the sixteenth century; Medieval authorities actually get the noun miss of the verb mittere , but it is not related to the formula ite, missa est . Thus, the divine officiis (9th century) describes the word as a mittendo, quod nos mittat ad Deo ('from' send ', which sends us to Godâ € ), while Rupert of Deutz (early 12th century) took it from the "dismissal" of "the hostility between God and man" ( inimicitiarumum à © erant inter Deum et homines ).

Maps Mass (liturgy)

Mass in Catholic Church

The Catholic Church sees Mass or the Eucharist as "the source and summit of the Christian life", of which the other sacraments are oriented. The Catholic Church believes that the Mass is the exact same sacrifice as Jesus Christ offers on the Cross at Calvary. The term "Mass" is generally used only in the Latin Church, whereas the Byzantine Roman Church Rite uses the analogue term "Divine Liturgy" and other Eastern Catholic Churches have terms like Holy Qurbana. Though similar in outward appearance to the Anglican Mass or Lutheran Mass, the Catholic Church distinguishes between their own Mass and their Mass based on what it sees as the legitimacy of their minister's orders, and as a result, usually does not allow associations among members of these Churches. However, in a 1993 letter to Bishop Johannes Hanselmann of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria, Cardinal Ratzinger (now Pope Benedict XVI) asserted that "a theology oriented to the concept of succession, as applicable in Catholic and Orthodox churches, is not necessary by any means deny the presence of God's salvation [Heilschaffende Gegenwart des Herrn] in the Lord's Supper [evangelische].The Decree on Ecumenism, produced by Vatican II in 1964, notes that the Catholic Church notes its understanding that when other religious groups Lutheran, Anglican, and Presbyterian) "commemorating His death and resurrection in the Lord's Supper, they recognize that signifies life in fellowship with Christ and awaits His coming in glory. "

In the fixed structure described below, specific to Ordinary Roman Rites, Scripture readings, antiphons sung or recited during the entrance procession or communion, and certain other prayers vary each day according to the liturgical calendar. For more information on the structure and history of the Extraordinary Mass Form approved in the Roman Rite, see the Mass in the Catholic Church.

Rite of introduction

The priest enters, with the deacon, if there is one, and the altar (which may act as crucifixion, torchbearer and thurifer). After making the sign of the cross and greeting people liturgically, he initiated the Penance Law. This concludes with the priest's prayer of forgiveness, "which, however, does not have the efficacy of the Penance Sacrament". Kyrie, eleison (God, grace), sung or spoken, followed by Gloria in the Deo (Glory to God in the highest) excelsis, an ancient compliment, if appropriate for the liturgical season. The Introductory Rite is brought close by the Collecting Prayer.

Liturgy of the Word

On Sundays and celebrations, three Scripture readings are given. On other days there are only two. If there are three passages, the first is from the Old Testament (broader term than "Hebrew Scriptures", for including the Deuterocanonical Book), or Acts during Eastertide. The first reading was followed by a psalm, either sung as responsorial or recited. The second reading is from the New Testament, usually from one of Paul's letters. A Gospel Acclamation is then sung when the Gospels are processed, sometimes with incense and candles, to the ambo. The last reading and the highest point of the Liturgy of the Word is the proclamation of the gospel by a deacon or priest. At least on Sundays and holy days of duty, a homily, a sermon that refers to some aspect of the day's reading or liturgy, is then given. Finally, the Creed is represented on Sundays and celebrations, and it is hoped that at Mass is celebrated with those of Universal Prayer or Prayer of Faithful People will usually follow.

Eucharistic liturgy

The Eucharist liturgy began with the preparation of the altar and the gift, after which the council stood, when the priest offered the insistence to pray, "Pray, my brothers and sisters, that the sacrifice and you are acceptable to God, the Almighty Father." The Church answered: "May the Lord receive the sacrifice in your hands, for the praise and glory of his name, for our good, and the goodness of all his holy Church. " The Imam then pronounces the prayer of the variable over the prize.

Anaphora, also called "Eucharistic Prayer", "the center and the high point of the whole celebration", then begins with a dialogue between priests and people. The oldest of the anafora Roman Rites is called the Roman Canon. The priest continued with one of the many prayers of Eucharistic Prayer forgiveness, leading to the reading of the Sanctus acclamation. The Eucharistic Prayer includes epicles, the prayer given by the gift by the power of the Holy Spirit into the body and blood of Christ. Its central part is the Narrative of Institutions and Consecration, remembering the words and actions of Jesus at the Last Supper, which he asks his disciples to remember. Immediately after the Consecration and display of the people of the consecrated element, the priest said: "The mystery of faith", and people recite its acclamation, using one of the three prescribed formulas. This ends with a doxology, with the priest lifting the patena with the host and deacon (if any) cup, and the chanting or reading of Amin by the people.

Communion rite

All together read or sing "Our Father's Prayer" ("Pater Noster" or "Our Father"). The priest introduced it with a short phrase and followed it with a prayer called embolism and people responded with the docology. The sign of peace is exchanged and then the "Lamb of God" ("Agnus Dei" in Latin) litany is sung or read, while the priest destroys the host and puts a piece in the main cup; This is known as a ritual and commingling ritual.

The priest then presents the transubstantiated elements to the congregation, saying: "Behold the Lamb of God, behold him that taketh away the sin of the world: blessed are those called to the banquet of the Lamb." Then all repeated: "Sir, I am not worthy that you have to get under my roof, but just say that word and my soul will be healed." The Imam then receives Communion and, with help, if necessary, from the extraordinary minister, distributes Communion to the people, who usually approach in the procession and accept the position. Singing by all who are faithful during the Communion procession is encouraged, to highlight the communitarian nature of the Communion bread. Silence is called to follow the Communion procession. Prayer After Communion is then proclaimed by the priest while all stand.

Rite cover

The priest gives a simple blessing or blessing that is fervent for those present. Deacon or, in his absence, the priest himself then fired people, chose one of the four formulas, the first being "Ite, missa est" in Latin or equivalent in another language. The congregation responded: "Thanks to God." Priests and other priests then leave, often with spiritual accompaniment.

The Mass: VIII - Liturgy of the Eucharist - Offertory - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

Mass at Western Orthodox Rite Church

Since most Orthodox Christians use the Byzantine Rite, most Orthodox Churches call their Eucharistic service "Divine Liturgy". However, there are a number of parishes within the Orthodox Church who use an edited version of the Latin Rite. Most parishes use the "Supreme Liturgy of St. Tikhon" which is a revision of the Anglican Book of Common Prayer, or "The Divine Liturgy of St. Gregory" derived from the Tridentine form of the Roman Catholic Mass. This rubric has been revised to reflect the doctrines and dogmas of the Orthodox Church. Therefore, the filioque clause has been removed, the epicles have been added, and the use of bread ferment has been introduced.

Sacred Liturgy Gregory

  • Prepare for Mass
  • Confiteor
  • Kyrie Eleison
  • Gloria in excelsis deo
  • Collection Today
  • Epistle
  • Staged
  • Alleluia
  • the gospel
  • Sermon
  • Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed
  • Offertory
  • Dialog
  • Preface
  • Sanctus
  • Canon
  • The Lord's Prayer.
  • Fractions
  • Agnus Dei
  • Prayer before Communion
  • Holy Communion
  • Thanksgiving Prayer
  • Dismissal
  • Blessings from the Faithful
  • Last Gospel

Liturgy | St. Louis Church
src: www.stlouischurch.org

Mass in Anglicanism

"Mass" is one of many terms used to describe the Eucharist in the Anglican tradition. More often, the term used is "Holy Communion", "Holy Eucharist", or "Lord's Supper". Sometimes the term used in the Eastern churches, "Divine Liturgy", is also used. In the English Anglican world, the term used often identifies the theology of the Eucharist from the person who uses it. "Mass" is often used by Anglo-Catholics.

Structure of the rite

The various liturgies of the Eucharist used by the national churches of Anglican Communion continue to evolve from the editions of 1549 and 1552 of the Book of Common Prayer which both owe their form and content primarily to the work of Thomas Cranmer, who has rejected medieval theology of the Mass around in 1547. Although the ritual of 1549 preserves the traditional order of the Mass, the underlying theology is the Cranmer debate and the four days in the House of Lords during December 1548 made it clear that this has moved beyond traditional Catholicism. In the revision of 1552, this was clarified by the restructuring of the elements of the rite while retaining almost all languages ​​so that it became, in the words of an Anglo-Catholic (Arthur Couratin) liturgy "a series of communal devotions, slaughtered the Mass by which they were intertwined in 1548 and 1549 ". Some rites, such as the Scottish rite of 1637 and the rites of 1789 in the United States, return to the 1549 model. Since the Elizabethan settlement of 1559, these services have enabled certain theological interpretations. Today's rites generally follow the same general five-part form (some or all of the following elements may be changed, diverted or absent depending on rites, liturgical seasons and use of national provinces or churches):

  • Gathered : Starts with a speech based on Trinitarian or seasonal acclamation ("Blessed be Lord: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and praise his kingdom, now and forever Amen"). Then Kyrie and the general recognition and absolution follow. On Sundays outside Advent and Lent and at major festivals, Gloria at Excelsis Deo is sung or spoken. Incoming rituals then end with day gathering.
  • Proclaiming and Hearing the Word : Usually two to three Scripture readings, one of which is always from the Gospel, plus a psalm (or part of it) or a canticle among the lessons. This is followed by sermons or homilies; the recitation of one of the Creeds, that is, the Apostles or Nicene; done on Sundays and celebrations.
  • People's Prayer : It varies greatly in shape.
  • Peace : People stand and greet each other and exchange God's sign of peace in the name of God. It serves as a bridge between prayer, lessons, sermons and beliefs to the communion part of the Eucharist.
  • Eucharistic celebration : The gift of bread and wine is raised, along with other gifts (such as money and/or food for food banks, etc.), and a prayer offering is recited. After this, the Eucharistic Prayer (called "The Great Thanksgiving") is offered. This prayer consists of a dialogue (Sursum Corda), a preface, sanctus and benedictus, the words of the Institute, History, Epicis are petitions for salvation and doxology. The Lord's Prayer precedes the fraction (the breaking of the bread), followed by the Humble Access Prayer and/or Agnus Dei, and the distribution of sacred elements (bread and wine).
  • Dismissal : There is a post-Communion prayer, which is a common prayer of thanksgiving. The service ends with Trinity thanks and dismissal.

The liturgy is divided into two main parts: the Liturgy of the Word (Collecting, Proclaiming and Hearing the Word, the Prayer of the People) and the Eucharistic Liturgy (together with Dismissal), but the entire liturgy itself is also called appropriately. as the Holy Eucharist. The liturgical sequence is almost identical to the Roman Rite, except the Confession of Sin ending the Liturgy of the Word in the Anglican rite in North America, while in the Roman Rite and in the Anglican rite in many areas Recognition is near the beginning of service.

Special Mass

Anglican traditions include separate rites for Masses of Pineapple, Funeral Mass, and Narcissistic Mass. The Eucharist is an integral part of many other sacramental services, including ordination and Endorsement.


Some Anglo-Catholic parishes use an Anglican version of the Tridentine Missal, such as British Missal , Eg Anglian , or Missal America , for Mass celebrations, all of which is intended primarily for the celebration of the Eucharist. Many Anglo-Catholic parishes in the Church of England use the Anglo-Catholic Service Handbook (previous successors The Catholic Service Handbook ). In Episcopal Church USA, an Anglo-Catholic adaptation in the traditional language of 1979 Book of Common Prayer has been published ( Anglican Service Book ).

All of these books contain features such as meditation for the lead celebrants (s) during the liturgy, and other materials such as rites for the blessing of a palm tree on Palm Sunday, moves for a special feast, and instructions for proper ceremonial ceremonies. These books are used as a broader Catholic context in which to celebrate the use of the liturgy found in the Book of Common Prayer and related liturgical books.

This is often added to Anglo-Catholic parishes by books explaining ceremonial acts, such as The Priestess Handbook Eucharistic Ceremony by Howard E. Galley, Low Mass Ceremonial by CPA Burnett, and Ritual Records by ECR Lamburn. Other guides for the ceremony include the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, Modern Roman Rite Ceremonies (Peter Elliott), Roman Rite Ceremonies Explained (Adrian Fortescue), and The Parson's Handbook (Percy Dearmer). In the Anglican Anglican Parish, the rubric specified in The General Prayer Book is sometimes considered normative.

The Mass: VII - Liturgy of the Word - Prayers of the Faithful ...
src: i.ytimg.com

Mass in Lutheranism

In the Book of Concord, Article XXIV ("Of the Mass") of the Augsburg Confession (1530) begins as follows:

"Wrongly our churches are accused of abolishing the Mass, because the Mass is preserved among us, and is celebrated with the highest honor.We do not abolish the Mass but religiously maintain and defend it... we maintain the traditional liturgical form... In churches we, the Mass is celebrated every Sunday and on other holy days, when the sacrament is offered to those who desire it after they are examined and freed (Section XXIV) ".

Martin Luther rejected part of the Roman Catholic Mass of the Roman Rite, especially the Mass Canon, which, he argues, is incompatible with Hebrews 7:27. The verse contrasts with the Old Testament priests, who need to make sacrifices for sin regularly, with the single priest of Christ, who offers his body only once as a sacrifice. This theme is also done in Hebrews 9:26, 9:28, and 10:10. Luther was composed in lieu of the revised Latin rite, the Missae Formula in 1523 and the Deutsche Messe language in 1526.

Thus, historically, the Lutheran Church has declared that the Lutheran Mass is "the only Mass established in the Holy Book of God, in accordance with the clear and unquestionable institution of the Savior."

In Germany, Scandinavian, Finnish, and some Lutheran English, using the word "Mass" for appropriate services, but in most English speaking churches they call it "Divine Service", "Holy Communion, or" Holy Eucharist ".

The celebration of Mass in the Lutheran churches follows a pattern similar to that of other traditions, beginning with the public recognition (Confiteor) by all and the Grace Statement that the priest or priest says. There follow the Introit , Kyrie , Gloria , collect, read with alleluia (aleluia not spoken during Lent), homilies (or sermons) and the reading of the Nicene Creed. The Eucharistic ministry includes the prayers of the Common Prayer, Preface, Sanctus and Eucharistic Prayer, the increase of the host and the cup and the invitation to the Eucharist. Agnus Dei was recited while the first priest and assistant commune, followed by the lay communicant. The post-Communion prayer and the last blessing by the priest end the Mass. A Catholic or Anglican from the Anglo-Catholic party will find its elements familiar, especially the use of the sign of the cross, kneeling to pray and the Eucharistic Prayer, bowing to the cross of the procession, kissing the altar, incense (among some), singing, and cloak.

Lutheran churches often celebrate the Eucharist every Sunday, if not in every service. This is in line with Luther's preference and Lutheran recognition. Also, Eucharistic ministers take the sacramental element to the sick in hospitals and nursing homes. The practice of weekly fellowship is increasingly the norm in most Lutheran parishes around the world. The bishops and pastors of the larger Lutheran bodies have greatly encouraged the restoration of this weekly Mass.

Eucharistic celebrations can be part of services for weddings, funerals, retreats, the dedication of a church building and annual synodal convention. Mass is also an important aspect of ordination and confirmation in Lutheran churches.

The Catholic Liturgy is a Satanic Ritual - the Evidence | Humans ...
src: 4.bp.blogspot.com

Mass in Methodism

The Mass Feast at the Methodist Church, commonly known as the Table Service, is based on The Sunday Service of 1784, the revised liturgy of the 1662 General Prayer Book authorized by John Wesley. The Methodist Eucharistic Precession must be an ordained or licensed minister. In the Free Methodist Church, the Eucharistic liturgy, as given in his Book of Discipline, is described as follows:

  • Invites:

You who really and sincerely repent of your sins, who

live in love and peace with your neighbors and who intend to live a new life, following the orders of God and walk in His holy way, approach with
faith, and take this sacred sacrament for your comfort;
and humbly kneel down, make your honest affirmation â € <â € < to the Almighty God.

  • General Confessions
  • Our Father's Prayer.
  • Affirmation of Trust
  • Collect
  • Sanctus
    • Gloria Patri
  • Humble Access Prayers
  • Submission of Elements
  • Prayers

Methodist worship services, post-1992, reflect the ecumenical movement and liturgical movement, in particular Methodist Mass , much of the work of the theologian Donald C. Lacy.

The Mass: IX - Liturgy of the Eucharist - Preface - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

Calendar usage

The English suffix -mas (equivalent to the "mass" of modern England) may label a celebration or a particular (initially religious) feast based on a traditional liturgical year, for example:

  • Candlemas
  • Childermas
  • Christmas
  • Lammas
  • Martinmas
  • Michelmas

src: 3.bp.blogspot.com

See also

The Mass: XI - Liturgy of the Eucharist - Eucharistic Prayer (Part ...
src: i.ytimg.com


File:0057jfGeorge Willman Death Anniversary Holy Mass Liturgy San ...
src: upload.wikimedia.org


  • Roman Roman General Instruction (PDF) . Canadian Catholicops of Publication Service Conference. ISBNÃ, 978-0-88997-655-9 . Retrieved November 19, 2011 .

LIVE: Putin and Medvedev attend Orthodox Easter Liturgy Mass in ...
src: i.ytimg.com

Further reading

  • Baldovin, SJ, John F., (2008). Reforming the Liturgy: Response to Critics. The Liturgical Press.
  • Bugnini, Annibale (Archbishop), (1990). Liturgical Reforms 1948-1975. The Liturgical Press.
  • Donghi, Antonio, (2009). Words and Gestures in the Liturgy. The Liturgical Press.
  • Foley, Edward. From Age to Age: How Christians Celebrate the Eucharist, Revise, and Expand the Edition. The Liturgical Press.
  • Fr. Nikolaus Gihr (1902). Sacrifice of the Mass: Dogmatically, Liturgically, and Ascetically Redeemed . St. Louis: Freiburg im Breisgau. OCLCÃ, 262469879 . Retrieved 2011-04-20 .
  • Johnson, Lawrence J., (2009). Worship in the Early Church: An Anthology of Historical Sources. The Liturgical Press.
  • Jungmann, Josef Andreas, (1948). Missarum Sollemnia. Genetic explanation from Roman Mass (2 volumes). Herder, Vienna. First edition, 1948; 2nd edition, 1949, 5th ed., Herder, Vienna-Freiburg-Basel, and Nova & amp; Vetera, Bonn, 1962, ISBN 3-936741-13-1.
  • Marini, Piero (Archbishop), (2007). Challenging Reform: Realizing the Vision of Liturgical Reform. The Liturgical Press.
  • Martimort, A.G. (editor). The Church At Prayer. The Liturgical Press.
  • Balzaretti, C., (2000). Missa: storia di una secolare ricerca etimologica ancora aperta. Edizioni Liturgiche.

The Mass and the Liturgy â€
src: static1.squarespace.com

External links

Roman Catholic doctrine

  • Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1322-1419
  • Ã, Herbermann, Charles, ed. (1913). "The Liturgy of the Mass". Catholic Encyclopedia . New York: Robert Appleton Company.
  • Why Fast Before Communion? by Father. William Saunders
  • American Catholic Apology
  • Link to document about Massa
  • Celebrate the Liturgy

The present form of the Roman Mass ritual

  • Order of the Mass
  • Fr. Larry Fama Instructional Mass
  • Mass Read Today (New American Bible Version)
  • The Reading of the Mass (Jerusalem Bible Version)
  • Mass reading (the text in the official Lectionary for Ireland, Australia, England, New Zealand, etc.)
  • Forum about the Liturgy
  • http://mass-online.org

Tridentine form of the Roman rite of Mass

  • Latin Mass Ã,§ CatholicLatinMass.org
  • SanctaMissa.org: Multimedia Tutorial on Latin Mass
  • Holy Mass: Picture Guide with Text
  • Tridentin Text Text in Latin and English

(For links about the Post-Tridentine vs. "Tridentine" controversy, see Paul VI mass)

Anglican teaching and training

  • Anglican Missal online

The Lutheran Doctrine

  • Article 24 Augsburg Acknowledgments, regarding Mass
  • Article 23 Defense of Augsburg Recognition, regarding Mass.
  • The Swedish Church Service Book includes orders for High and Low Mass

Source of the article : Wikipedia
