- For devotion in the Eastern Catholic Church, see the articles in each of the Churches or related Orthodox Churches.
The United States Catholic Bishops Conference defines Catholic devotion as "... the expression of love and loyalty arising from the intersection of the faith, culture, and gospel of Jesus Christ Himself." Catholic devotion is not part of liturgical worship, even if they are performed in a Catholic church, in groups, or in the presence of (or even lead by) a priest. The Congregation for Divine Worship at the Vatican published the Directory of Popular Piety and Liturgy.
Loyalty to the saints, with the Virgin Mary as the most prominent example, is a key characteristic of Roman Catholicism. Catholic worship has various forms, ranging from formal, multi-day prayers such as novena to activities that do not involve praying, such as Eucharistic adoration outside the Mass, the use of scapular, the worship of the saints, the sacred canonical Maria's crowning or images - Christological images and even horticultural practices such as maintaining the garden of Mary.
Common examples of Catholic devotion include the Rosary, the Way of the Cross, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Sacred Faces of Jesus, the various sapulars, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Virgin Mary Guadalupe, the Seven Mourns of Mary, the novena to the various saints, pilgrimages and devotions to the Blessed Sacrament, holy.
Video Catholic devotions
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While the Catholic Church regards the liturgy as the center of the Church's life and mission and encourages Catholics to participate in it as often as possible, the liturgy also recognizes the liturgical objective nature and encourages the cultivation of righteous acts and personal devotions; the Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium states, "Spiritual life, however, is not limited to participating in the liturgy only... The popular devotion of Christians must be highly praised, provided they conform to Church law and norms , especially when they are commanded by the Apostolic See. "It goes on to say:" These devotions must be made in such a way that they are in harmony with the liturgical season, in accordance with the sacred liturgy, in some fashion from it, and lead the people to it , because, in fact, the liturgy by its very nature surpasses them. "
Several factors shape the effectiveness of worship practices in generating a sense of devotion: a strong emotional appeal, the simplicity of the form that places them within reach of all, relationships with many others involved in the same practice, and their derivation from other examples is considered holy life.
Since the Middle Ages, popes have encouraged devotion such as Eucharistic Adoration, the Rosary and the Way of the Cross. However, the Church's position with respect to liturgical excellence over special devotions is always maintained. On the other hand, devout devotion has affected some important parts of the Catholic calendar such as the Corpus Christi feast that emerged after the petition by people following devotion; or the various feasts of Mary that gradually arose with the growth of devotion. Catholic devotions can form the basis of large community events such as Our Lady of Zapopan statues attract more than a million pilgrims on October 12 each year as the statue goes through the streets moving from one cathedral to another.
In the Roman Catholic tradition, various practices have evolved, from devotion to the Holy Trinity to certain saints from Saint Joseph to Saint Francis Xavier. The three levels of the latria hierarchy, hyperdulia and dulia determine the proper type of worship and respect for different situations. The term latria (from the Greek word ???????, latreia ) is used for worship, worship and honor intended only for the Holy Trinity. Dulia (from the Greek ???????, douleia ) is a type of honor given to the fellowship of the saints, with the exception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who is honored with hyperdulia. Thus hyperdulia is below latria and above dulia.
Unapproved actions such as the promotion of chain letters containing prayer or the belief that the use of the statue of Saint Joseph can speed up the sale of a house has been underestimated as the values ​​of non-devout, superstitious and opposed Catholicism. In general, actions and beliefs aimed at manipulating divine powers for certain lucrative purposes are always condemned as contrary to Catholic worship practices.
Maps Catholic devotions
Devotion to the Holy Trinity
The celebration of the Holy Trinity is a day of worship that is celebrated on the first Sunday after Pentecost and respects the three Persons of God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Novena to the Holy Trinity may include Glory Be's prayers, as well as other prayers, although other prayers may vary.
According to FÃÆ'¡tima seer LÃÆ'ºcia Santos, in late September or October 1916, the Angel of Peace appeared for the third time for himself and other visionaries, his cousin FrancÃÆ'sco and Jacinta Marto, and taught them a prayer of reparation to the Holy One. Trinity.
Devotion to Jesus
Some of the widespread devotions in the Catholic tradition deal directly with Jesus Christ. The official Catholic teaching considers Eucharistic adoration an important practice that "stimulates the faithful to the awareness of Christ's extraordinary presence and an invitation to spiritual fellowship with Him." In many cases Eucharistic adoration is done by everyone for hours without interruption known as the Holy Hour . The inspiration for the Holy Hour is Matthew 26:40 when in the Garden of Gethsemane the night before His crucifixion, Jesus asked Peter: "So can you guys not guard with me for an hour?".
Some devotions have a form of Reparations to Jesus Christ for the suffering and humiliation that Jesus experienced during His Passion or for blasphemy, such as the Golden Arrow Prayer. The devotions involving the Sacred Heart of Jesus first appeared in the 11th and 12th centuries, but most of today's devotions are associated with Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque (1647-1690).
In the Roman Catholic tradition, the Sacred Heart is closely related to the Reparations Stories to Jesus Christ.
Loyalty to the Holy Face of Jesus returned to Sister Marie of St. Peter in 1843 who reported the vision of Jesus and Mary in which he was urged to spread devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus, in compensation for many of the humiliations that Jesus suffered. in His Passion. This resulted in The Golden Arrow of Holy Face Devotion (Prayer). The Devotion to the Sacred Father of Jesus was first approved by Pope Leo XIII in 1885. Sister Maria Pierina de Micheli further promotes devotion based on images from Secondo Pia's photo of the Shroud of Turin. In 1958, Pope Pius XII approved the dedication and medal of the Holy Face and affirmed the Feast of the Sacred Face of Jesus as Shrove Tuesday (Tuesday before Ash Wednesday) for all Roman Catholics.
Other reflections include Divine Grace based on the vision of Saint Faustina Kowalska, known as the "Apostle of the Apostles", and the first Friday devotion associated with devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. and Chaplet of the Five Wounds.
Marian devotions
The various devotions of Mary practiced by Roman Catholicism and the Catechism of the Catholic Church 971 states: "The Church's dedication to the Blessed Virgin is essential to Christian worship." In 1993, Pope John Paul II encouraged priests to devote devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Some beliefs about the devotion of Mary have been confirmed by saints and theologians, but have not been dogmatically recognized by the Church. An example is the belief that Mary's devotion is a sign of predestination, supported by Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, Saint Bonaventure, and Saint Alphonsus Ligouri and R. Garrigou-Lagrange.
In his Apostolic Letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae , Pope John Paul II emphasized the importance of the devotion of Mary by quoting Saint Louis de Montfort:
Since Mary is all the creature that best fits Jesus Christ, then among all the most sanctified and soul-matching devotions with our Lord is devotion to Mary, His Holy Mother, and that the more souls are consecrated to her the more it will be consecrated to Jesus Christ.
The Roman Catholic doctrine and traditions include special devotions as the Reparations Stories to the Blessed Mother for her humiliation. The Raccolta Catholic prayer book (approved by Decree 1854, published by the Holy See of 1898) included such prayers.
The Service to the Immaculate Heart of the Mother dates back to St. Bernard and in the 17th century Saint Jean Eudes obtained approval and the first book of devotion to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. However, 1830 reported a vision of Saint Catherine Labourà ©  © who introduced a Testament Medal depicting the thornbone Heart of Jesus and the pierced Heart of Mary having a significant impact on devotion. Pope Pius XII ordained mankind to the Immaculate Heart on December 8, 1942.
Other doctrinal-based devotions include the Immaculate Conception which was declared a dogma in 1854 In the 20th century, St. Maximillian Kolbe encouraged ordination to Immaculate, partly dependent on 1858 messages from Our Lady of Lourdes.
Among the many Roman Catholic prayers and devotions, the devotion and spirituality of the Rosary is one of the most prominent and most frequently recited prayers. The Rosary is widely emphasized in Roman Catholic teaching, eg St. The widely read Louis de Montfort of The Secret of the Rosary discusses the religious and mystical views of the rosary from various perspectives.
Although the Scapular probably originally started as a Christocentric devotion, at the end of the Middle Ages has been taken on different Marian's tones, as far as the Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages calls it "one of Mary's major devotions of the Christian world."
The teachings of the rosary and scapular have been supported, encouraged and connected by a number of Catholic figures such as the pope, saint and cardinal, as well as specific promises and indulgences have been attributed to them. The rosary and the devotional scapular continue to be pushed together as the main devotion of Mary in the 21st century.
A number of devotions involve Marian Apparitions, e.g. such as Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our Lady of Lourdes, Our Lady of Fatima or Our Lady of Akita and many regional devotions across the continent from Our Lady of Good Health in India to Our Lady of Liche? in Poland.
Other Maria's charity included the Five Days of First Saturday, the Seven Joys of Mary and the Seven Mourning of Mary.
Marian Procession
The procession has historically played an important role in the liturgical and spiritual life of Christians around the world. In every culture, public memorials, victory heroes, religious festivals, and many other events have been marked by local leadership and activist parades - and followed by spectators. In this way, the whole community can reaffirm its values ​​and traditions, while inspiring the audience with a purpose.
In Los Angeles, California, Maria's procession is held annually for the first 100 years after the founding of the city. In an effort to revive the custom of religious procession, in September 2011, the Queen Angel Foundation, founded by Mark Anchor Albert, inaugurated the annual "Grand Marian Procession" in the heart of Downtown Los Angeles's historic core. This annual procession, intended to coincide with the anniversary of the founding of Los Angeles City, begins outside the parish of La Iglesia de Nuestra SeÃÆ' Â ± ora Reina de los Angeles which is part of the Historic District of Los Angeles Plaza, better known as "La Placita". Through the city streets, the procession finally ends at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels where the public Rosary and Mass to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary has to offer. The following years have seen the involvement and participation of various orders of chivalry, brotherhood, and religion, parishes, lay groups, political figures, as well as other religious and civic organizations.
Devotion to saints
In Catholic teaching, the saints in Heaven have a lasting relationship with mankind that can give many good to the faithful. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (point 957) states:
Not just the example of that we appreciate their memory in heaven; we seek, more precisely, that with the dedication to the brotherhood fraternity of the entire Church of the Church in this Spirit can be strengthened. Just as a Christian fellowship among fellow pilgrims leads us closer to Christ, so our fellowship with the saints joins us to Christ.
Devotion to saints can involve certain prayers, or actions such as naming schools or children after them. Several devotions sought the intercession of the saints, petitioned them specifically.
Devotions to the Saint Joseph include Novena to Saint Joseph and Prayer to Saint Joseph, and Cord of St. Joseph. Joseph. Saint Joseph Medal is a sacramentally introduced in 1971 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Saint Joseph who was declared the protector of the universal church. The Scapular Saint Joseph was approved by Pope Leo XIII in 1893. Several local devotions and customs for Saint Joseph exist throughout the world, for example the Alpine Region, Josephstragen (German to bring Saint Joseph) to occur in 9 the day before Christmas. Statue of Saint Joseph was brought between 9 houses, and on the first day a boy prayed to him, on the second day two boys prayed, up to 9 boys praying on the 9th day. The statue was then placed near a manger in the city church on Christmas Eve.
Devotion to Saint Michael involves certain prayers and novices to him, hymns such as Te Splendor and Scapular St. Michael the Archangel and the Chaplet of Saint Michael. Prayer for Saint Michael is also a popular prayer, compiled by Pope Leo XIII.
Devotion to Saint George is also widely practiced by Catholics, considering that he is one of the most popular saints in Christianity. These devotions and churches were built on the date of tribute to the sixth century.
Various devotions to other saints exist, eg. Novena of Grace addressed to Saint Francis Xavier, while the Cord of St. Francis is associated with Francis of Assisi.
Other devotional practices
Other devotional practices can be found among Catholics. An example is the use of Home Altar . This practice originated from early Christians who used to pray in their homes even before the church was built for public worship. In a House Altar, a cross usually hangs on the wall, and pictures of Jesus, the Blessed Virgin and the saints can be displayed, along with copies of the Bible or other literature.
Catholic devotional practices are so widespread at the local level that Catholics in one part of the world may be totally unaware of local worship practices in other corners of the world. For example, devotion to, and retablos depicting Santa Eduviges (Hedwig from Poland) in Mexico is almost unknown to other Catholics, and it remains relatively unknown outside of Poland. In fact, despite having Spanish influence in its place of origin, much of the devotion done in Mexico is now very different from that done in Spain.
See also
- Christian devotional literature
- Saint George in devotion, tradition, and prayer
- Saint Michael (Roman Catholic)
- Ball, Ann. Encyclopedia of Devotion and Catholic Practice , 2003, ISBNÃ, 0-87973-910-X
- Binz, Stephen J., Sacred Heart of Jesus , 2006, ISBNÃ, 1-58595-597-3
- Carroll, Michael. Alliance of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary: Hope for the World , 2007, Queenship Publishing ISBNÃ, 1-882972-98-8
- Forster, Mark. The Catholic Awakening in the Baroque Age Cambridge Univ Press, 2001, ISBNÃ, 0-521-78044-6
- Murphy, John F. Mary Immaculate Heart , 2007, ISBNÃ, 1-4067-3409-8
- Stravinska, Peter. our Sunday School Catholic Encyclopedia , 1998, OSV Press ISBNÃ, 0-87973-669-0
- White, James F. Roman Catholic Worship: Trent to today , 2003, ISBNÃ, 0-8146-6194-7
Further reading
- O'Grady, John F. Trust and Catholic tradition , 2002, ISBNÃ, 0-8091-4047-0
External links
- The Eternal Television Network, The Global Catholic Network (EWTN), Devotional Faith.
- Carroll, Michael P., Cults and Catholic devotions , 1989 ISBNÃ, 0-7735-0693-4
Source of the article : Wikipedia